Bd colorpak test for cryptosporidium and giardia detection in stool had a 85% false-positive rate. In year 2004 701 tests on stool were performed: 13 were positive by colorpak for cryptosporidium but only 2 could be confirmed by either microscopic exam or immunofluorescent microscopy. There were false-positive tests for four straigh months. All 10 tests positive for giardia by colorpak were confirmed either by microscopy or innunofluorescent microscopy. During approx the same period, a different rapid test -remel- correctly detected only the true-positives and none of the false-positives. Confirmatory testing of all positives was instituted after the last recall of this product last winter. Lot number 0712260 was in use. Lot number 071299 was in use. And 071318 was placed in use lot 071318 appears not to cause false-positives although the observation period is still short, although it is possible that some of the false positives were also caused by use of this lot.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5