6/4/93 at 2131 71 year old patient with chronic respiratory disease to er with respiratory failure. Responded well to initial bronchodilator treatment & aminophylline infusion. At 2230 a foley catheter was inserted without difficulty. It had been in place approximately 10 minutes and had drained 75cc urine when "there was a pop sensation heard and the patient noted lower abdominal pain in the rectal prostate region". The catheter self-extruded with a ruptured foley balloon. There was some minimal bleeding noted. A 24 fr foley was placed with no return, removed. A 16 fr foley was attempted & discontinued when it met resistence. A supra public drainage tube was then inserted with 800cc of urine obtained after patient was given iv lasix. (diagnosis: respiratory failure, asthma, copd, mi, and urethral trauma. ) patient initially had difficulty voiding and then had trouble with post voiding residuals. There was also swelling of the penis and scrotal skin. A consult with a urologist was obtained on 6/7. As of 6/10, patient began to boid in significant amounts with the supra catheter clamped. It was discontinued 6/11 and the patient was discharged home. Device labeled for single use. Patient medical status prior to event: critical condition. There was not multiple patient involvement. Invalid data - on device service/maintenance. No data - regarding date last serviced. Service provided by: invalid data. Invalid data - service records availability. No imminent hazard to public health claimed. Device not used as labeled/indended. Device was evaluated after the event. Method of evaluation: actual device involved in incident was evaluated, visual examination. Results of evaluation: component failure, telemetry failure, unanticipated short term complication of procedure, balloon. Conclusion: device failure directly caused event, device discarded - unable to follow-up. Certainty of device as cause of or contributor to event: yes. Corrective actions: device discarded. The device was destroyed/disposed of.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5