This involves an error related to dispill multidose software. The program keeps a manually entered medication profile for each patient who receives the dispill package. When trying to print a dispill card for one patient, then pharmacist erroneously changed the name of the patient, though they thought they were searching for the patient. A different patient's profile had been left up on the screen, which allowed the pharmacist to alter the name. We reached out to dispill to see if there could be an auto-log out put in place, so if a patient was left up for a particular amount of time, the system would log out. We were told that dispill would not do this however. We do have other catches internally in place to make sure that these types of errors don't occur, however the pharmacist did not follow those policies. Medication not administered to or used by the patient. Relevant material not provided. (b)(6).
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5