Extreme hives (b)(6) pregnant. Drank aeromed easydex 100g bvo and dye free fruit punch for 3 hours glucose gestational diabetes screen. Broke out in extremely itchy, huge hives across belly, under arms, side body, back, groin, feet. Over a week with them still, no sleep for 5 days due to itching, and now (b)(6) pregnant. Did 1 hour screen (b)(6) 2016 and in retrospect had a few tiny red dots on belly after, however didn't think anything of it. Now, it's clear i had a severe reaction to the higher dosage. I want clarification on safety studies as some note extreme skin issues animal trials (i. E. Sodium hexametaphosphate), i want clarification what percentage each ingredient, etc, so hoping no harm to my baby and that my reaction clears. How was it taken or used: oral. Date the person first started taking or using the product: (b)(6) 2016. Date the person stopped taking or using the product: (b)(6) 2016. Did the person stop after the person reduced the dose or stopped taking or using the product: no. Did the problem return if the person started taking or using the product again: yes. Pregnant screen gestational diabetes 1 hr and 3 hr.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5