FG GATEWAY OTW JP 2.50MM X 9MM M0032072009250

MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a health professional report with the FDA on 2017-02-23 for FG GATEWAY OTW JP 2.50MM X 9MM M0032072009250 manufactured by Boston Scientific - Minn.

Event Text Entries

[68186794] This is the 3rd of 5 reports.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[68186795] It was reported that a patient was presented in a life-threatening condition with a basilar thrombotic stroke and neurological deficit. Access to the clot was limited to the right vertebral artery (va) that presented a critical stenosis of the va-distal v4 segment. Left vertebral artery was occluded and not accessible. Angioplasty with the subject balloon catheter of the stenosis of va-v4 segment led to dissection resulting in hematoma and occlusion. Medical intervention in order to restore blood flow through the occluded va- v4 segment by angioplasty was performed without success. Then, stenting of the va-v4 segment with a first stent was performed. However, the distal stent tines did not open properly even with additional angioplasty procedure. Blood flow was not restored. A second stent was attempted to be implanted but could not be deployed beyond the poorly opened distal tines of the first deployed stent. A third stent was deployed more distally in the basilar artery and overlapping the original stent. The stent was only placed with great difficulty through the first stent. There was some bending of the hypotube but it did not render the stent unusable. Blood flow was not restored and injection of platelet aggregation inhibitor into the occluded vessel as well as additional angioplasty was performed. The stent tines and the stents were eventually correctly opened but blood flow was not restored. The physician reported that he would have strongly preferred to use a different size balloon catheter but due to the emergency nature of the procedure, a more appropriately sized balloon was not available. Two days post procedure, the patient was determined to be in "coma" and pronounced dead shortly after. In the physician? S opinion,? The outcome prognosis without the intervention was poor, with death as a possibility. The procedure did not help the patient and may have made him worse. The patient's death is not specifically related to any of the devices?.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

[72811982] The device history record (dhr) review confirms that the device met all material, assembly and performance specifications. The subject device was not returned for analysis; therefore, physical as well as a functional testing could not be performed. However, dissection, patient outcome of death, patient hematoma, patient complications, patient thrombosis are known risks associated with endovascular procedures and noted as such in the device directions for use (dfu). Therefore, an assignable cause of anticipated procedural complication was assigned to this event.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[72811983] It was reported that a patient was presented in a life-threatening condition with a basilar thrombotic stroke and neurological deficit. Access to the clot was limited to the right vertebral artery (va) that presented a critical stenosis of the va-distal v4 segment. Left vertebral artery was occluded and not accessible. Angioplasty with the subject balloon catheter of the stenosis of va-v4 segment led to dissection resulting in hematoma and occlusion. Medical intervention in order to restore blood flow through the occluded va- v4 segment by angioplasty was performed without success. Then, stenting of the va-v4 segment with a first stent was performed. However, the distal stent tines did not open properly even with additional angioplasty procedure. Blood flow was not restored. A second stent was attempted to be implanted but could not be deployed beyond the poorly opened distal tines of the first deployed stent. A third stent was deployed more distally in the basilar artery and overlapping the original stent. The stent was only placed with great difficulty through the first stent. There was some bending of the hypotube but it did not render the stent unusable. Blood flow was not restored and injection of platelet aggregation inhibitor into the occluded vessel as well as additional angioplasty was performed. The stent tines and the stents were eventually correctly opened but blood flow was not restored. The physician reported that he would have strongly preferred to use a different size balloon catheter but due to the emergency nature of the procedure, a more appropriately sized balloon was not available. Two days post procedure, the patient was determined to be in "coma" and pronounced dead shortly after. In the physician? S opinion,? The outcome prognosis without the intervention was poor, with death as a possibility. The procedure did not help the patient and may have made him worse. The patient's death is not specifically related to any of the devices?.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

[75548466] The device history record (dhr) review confirms that the device met all material, assembly and performance specifications. The subject device was not returned for analysis; therefore, physical as well as a functional testing could not be performed. However, dissection, patient outcome of death, patient complications, patient thrombosis are known risks associated with endovascular procedures and noted as such in the device directions for use (dfu). Therefore, an assignable cause of anticipated procedural complication was assigned to this event.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[75548467] It was reported that a patient was presented in a life-threatening condition with a basilar thrombotic stroke and neurological deficit. Access to the clot was limited to the right vertebral artery (va) that presented a critical stenosis of the va-distal v4 segment. Left vertebral artery was occluded and not accessible. Angioplasty with the subject balloon catheter of the stenosis of va-v4 segment led to dissection resulting in hematoma and occlusion. Medical intervention in order to restore blood flow through the occluded va- v4 segment by angioplasty was performed without success. Then, stenting of the va-v4 segment with a first stent was performed. However, the distal stent tines did not open properly even with additional angioplasty procedure. Blood flow was not restored. A second stent was attempted to be implanted but could not be deployed beyond the poorly opened distal tines of the first deployed stent. A third stent was deployed more distally in the basilar artery and overlapping the original stent. The stent was only placed with great difficulty through the first stent. There was some bending of the hypotube but it did not render the stent unusable. Blood flow was not restored and injection of platelet aggregation inhibitor into the occluded vessel as well as additional angioplasty was performed. The stent tines and the stents were eventually correctly opened but blood flow was not restored. The physician reported that he would have strongly preferred to use a different size balloon catheter but due to the emergency nature of the procedure, a more appropriately sized balloon was not available. Two days post procedure, the patient was determined to be in "coma" and pronounced dead shortly after. In the physician? S opinion,? The outcome prognosis without the intervention was poor, with death as a possibility. The procedure did not help the patient and may have made him worse. The patient's death is not specifically related to any of the devices?.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number0002134265-2017-30002
MDR Report Key6354692
Date Received2017-02-23
Date of Report2017-05-19
Date of Event2017-01-24
Date Mfgr Received2017-04-20
Device Manufacturer Date2016-06-08
Date Added to Maude2017-02-23
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag0
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactMR. MICHAEL REDDICK
Manufacturer Street47900 BAYSIDE PARKWAY
Manufacturer CityFREMONT CA 94538
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal94538
Manufacturer Phone5104132500
Manufacturer StreetONE SCIMED PLACE
Manufacturer CityMAPLE GROVE MN 55311
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal Code55311
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Sequence Number: 0

Product CodePAV
Date Received2017-02-23
Catalog NumberM0032072009250
Lot Number19332937
Device AvailabilityN
Device Eval'ed by MfgrR
Device Sequence No0
Device Event Key0
Manufacturer AddressONE SCIMED PLACE MAPLE GROVE MN 55311 US 55311

Device Sequence Number: 1

Product CodeGBA
Date Received2017-02-23
Catalog NumberM0032072009250
Lot Number19332937
Device Expiration Date2019-06-30
Device AvailabilityN
Device AgeDA
Device Eval'ed by MfgrR
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
Manufacturer AddressONE SCIMED PLACE MAPLE GROVE MN 55311 US 55311


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
111. Death; 2. Other; 3. Required No Informationntervention 2017-02-23

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