MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a health professional,study,use report with the FDA on 2017-02-27 for IMPRA VASCULAR GRAFT 40S06 manufactured by Bard Peripheral Vascular, Inc..

Event Text Entries

[68402256] No device, no medical records and no images have been made available to the manufacturer. As the lot number for the device has not been provided, a review of the device history records could not be performed. The investigation of the reported event is currently underway. Clinical trial review: the patient with end stage renal disease had an expanded. Polytetrafluoroethylene vascular access conduit surgically inserted in the left upper arm for hemodialysis. Two-hundred thirty-three (233) days post placement, the patient was hospitalized for an infection of the vascular access described as a large hole and bleeding at the site. The patient was placed on antibiotic therapy and two days later, the conduit was excised and ligated. A temporary dialysis catheter was placed during the hospitalization. An anerobic culture of the left upper arm was negative for growth on the final report. The information provided by bard represents all of the known information at this time. Despite good faith efforts to obtain additional information, the complainant / reporter was unable or unwilling to provide any further patient, product, or procedural details to bard.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[68402257] It was reported through the results of a clinical trial, that 233 days post placement of a left upper arm expanded polytetrafluoroethylene vascular access conduit, the patient was hospitalized for an infection of the vascular access. The patient was placed on antibiotic therapy. Two days later, the conduit was removed and a temporary dialysis catheter was placed. No additional information was provided.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

[71849761] Manufacturing review: the lot number has been provided and the lot device history records have been reviewed. The lot met all release criteria. There was nothing found to indicate there was a manufacturing related cause for this event. This is the only complaint reported for this lot number and issue to date. Visual/microscopic inspection: as the device was not returned, an inspection could not be performed. Functional/performance evaluation: as the device was not returned, an evaluation could not be performed. Medical records review: as medical records were not provided, a review could not be performed. Clinical trial review: the patient with end stage renal disease had an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene arteriovenous (av) vascular access graft surgically inserted in the left upper arm for hemodialysis. Approx 233 days post placement, the patient presented to the emergency room vomiting with fever and was found to have evidence of early sepsis. Initially, the source of infection was believed to be gastrointestinal as a ct scan demonstrated evidence of distal colitis. The patient was admitted and intravenous (iv) hydration and antibiotic therapy was initiated. The av graft was noted to be functioning; however, infection was suspected due to site discoloration and lack of thrill. A nephrology consult was obtained recommending continued hemodialysis and antibiotics for the definite av graft infection described as a large hole and bleeding at the site. A consult with infectious disease for blood cultures which were positive for (b)(6) recommended vancomycin and zosyn therapy for the presence of colitis as well as recent recurrent pseudomonas urinary tract infection. Approx 235 days post placement, excision and ligation of the left upper extremity av graft with washout and wound packing, and insertion of a double lumen right internal jugular venous dialysis catheter were performed. Eight days post av graft excision, the patient was afebrile with an improved white blood cell (wbc); therefore, a permanent tunneled hemodialysis catheter was placed. The next day, with the event resolved, the patient was discharged home. Home health care was ordered for completion of iv antibiotic course and twice daily wet-to-dry dressing changes of the left upper extremity. The patient was to follow-up as instructed. Image/photo review: no images or photos have been made available to the manufacturer. Conclusion: the device was not returned. Images were not provided. Medical records were not provided. Clinical trial information was provided and reviewed. Approx 233 days post placement, the patient presented to the emergency room vomiting with fever and was found to have evidence of early sepsis. The av graft was noted to be functioning; however, infection was suspected due to site discoloration and lack of thrill. Approx 235 days post placement, excision and ligation of the left upper extremity av graft with washout and wound packing, and insertion of a double lumen right internal jugular venous dialysis catheter were performed. The investigation is inconclusive for causing the infection. Based upon the available information, the definitive root cause is unknown. Labeling review: the current ifu (instructions for use) states: warnings: 1. All impra? Eptfe vascular grafts are supplied sterile and nonpyrogenic unless the package is open or damaged. Impra? Eptfe vascular grafts are sterilized by ethylene oxide. Each graft is intended for single patient use only. Do not resterilize. Adverse reactions: potential complications which may occur with any surgical procedure involving a vascular prosthesis include, but are not limited to: swelling of the implanted limb; and/or infection. (b)(4). The information provided by bard represents all of the known information at this time. Despite good faith efforts to obtain additional information, the complainant / reporter was unable or unwilling to provide any further patient, product, or procedural details to bard.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[71849762] It was reported through the results of a clinical trial, that 233 days post placement of a left upper arm expanded polytetrafluoroethylene vascular access conduit, the patient was hospitalized for an infection of the vascular access. The patient was placed on antibiotic therapy. Two days later, the conduit was removed and a temporary dialysis catheter was placed. No additional information was provided. Additional information received: the patient presented to the emergency room with vomiting, fever, and access site discoloration with lack of thrill noted. The patient was admitted and intravenous (iv) hydration and antibiotics for blood cultures positive for (b)(6) were initiated. Two days later, excision and ligation of the left upper extremity av graft with washout and wound packing, and insertion of a right internal jugular venous dialysis catheter was performed. Eight days post graft excision, a permanent tunneled hemodialysis catheter was placed. The patient was discharged on post surgical day nine for home health to continue iv antibiotic course and wet-to-dry dressing changes of the left upper extremity. The patient was to follow-up as instructed.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number2020394-2017-00109
MDR Report Key6360613
Date Received2017-02-27
Date of Report2017-03-27
Date of Event2017-01-24
Date Mfgr Received2017-02-28
Device Manufacturer Date2015-11-30
Date Added to Maude2017-02-27
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactJUDITH LUDWIG
Manufacturer Street1625 W 3RD ST.
Manufacturer CityTEMPE AZ 85281
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal85281
Manufacturer Phone4803032689
Manufacturer Street1625 W 3RD ST.
Manufacturer CityTEMPE AZ 85281
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal Code85281
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Product CodeDYF
Date Received2017-02-27
Catalog Number40S06
Lot NumberVTZK0787
Device AvailabilityN
Device AgeDA
Device Eval'ed by MfgrR
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
Manufacturer Address1625 W 3RD ST. TEMPE AZ 85281 US 85281


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Hospitalization; 2. Required No Informationntervention 2017-02-27

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