This spontaneous medical device case, concerning a valve ignition with a medical oxygen cylinder fitted with a linde integrated valve (liv) system with a valve manufactured by rotarex / ceodeux, was reported by a healthcare professional in (b)(6) on 22-feb-2017. This report is linked to the non-serious adverse event cases (b)(4). On (b)(6) 2017 the assistant staff at the medicine ward was using a linde medical oxygen (conoxia) cylinder to serve a patient. While opening the valve and adjusting the flow selector from 0 to 2 l/min, a high pressure and a loud sound was detected. A nurse and the hospital staff attempted to set the flow selector back to 0 l/min. However, they could not stop the gas flow by that action. At 9:24 am suddenly a valve ignition occurred. The other assistant staff used the fire extinguisher tank to stop the fire which lasted for 5-10 seconds. The emergency alarm at the hospital was level 3. The hospital emergency response alarm at the hospital was level 3. The hospital emergency response protocol was followed according to the emergency plan instruction. The oxygen valve supply to this ward (zone valve) had to be isolated. There were two patients directly involved in this incident. One was using the linde incident conoxia tank and another stayed close to the incident scene. Both patients were safe and did not get injured from the fire. Four patients were using oxygen service from the pipeline which were impacted from isolation of zone valve to switch using ambu-bag. All were safe. Unfortunately, there were two persons from the hospital staff on the scene who got injured from this incident: one hospital staff experienced 2nd degree burn on the right hand; one nurse student experienced 1st degree burn on the left forefinger. There was no damage from the fire at the hospital's assets. Additional information is expected.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5