Bbl photofacial for blood vessels, face red and swollen for about 2 - 3 weeks, loss the ability to sweat and no oil or moisture in face. Skin burns around the eyes and mouth area, skin loss volume in cheeks and chin and eyes. Muscles in cheeks ache, spider veins and facial veins came to the surface (resulting in red face) pot marks and pores all over face. Bumpy, orange peel skin. The chin was scarred with 2 burn holes. Dry uncomfortable skin. Hair loss at hair line on right side of forehead. Loose, lined skin that happened until 1/2 month after treatment. Symptoms continue to worsen to this day. Sensitivity to heat or cold with hot flushing during activity. Eyes are dry and sensitive. Red and white pigmentation over face. Weird, crawling and pulsing feeling in lips and cheeks. I believe there is nerve damage, also mushy feeling in cheeks, loss all firmness, skin is uncomfortable at all times. The plastic surgeon told me there was no risk and was perfectly sore when i asked the side effects and risks. He told me it would only go through the top few layers of skin. I believe i would still have sweat glands if that happened (and hair). The assistant told me that my skin would be even and would be soft and smooth, when i asked her if it could hurt my skin. Of course, they both said no. Following the treatment my skin felt like sandpaper and to this day feels as if there are paper cuts all over it, including my eyes. I do believe this treatment should be more regulated and the persons preforming this should have to tell you of all risks! It is changing some lives for the worst. Also, i forget to mention after the treatment my nose came to a large blistered and the skin came off in the shower and blood came out of pores on it for about 15 mins. Also the 2 burns in chin drained liquid for 3 days, had to keep tissue with me at all times. Something needs to be done about this. So called safe, painless treatment.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5