Om 01-10-92 patient had an elective colonoscopy without apparent injury or incident. Patient was recovered and discharged home. Returned on 1/11/92 with abdominal pain, taken to surgery, exploratory lap, post-op dx perforated bowel. A valley lab cautery unit was used for the colonoscopy unit #00680, the setting were coag=2; cutting=0, a non disposable hot biopsy forceps was used. The cautery unit was checked by bio-med after the second incident on 1/10/92. The unit was found to meet the manufacturer's specificationsdevice not labeled for single use. Patient medical status prior to event: satisfactory condition. There was multiple patient involvement. Number of patients involved: 2. Device serviced in accordance with service schedule. Date last serviced: 01-jul-91. Service provided by: user facility biomedical/bioengineering department. Service records available. No imminent hazard to public health claimed. Device used as labeled/intended. Device was evaluated after the event. Method of evaluation: actual device involved in incident was evaluated, electrical tests performed, performance tests performed, visual examination. Results of evaluation: none or unknown, inherent risk of procedure, unanticipated short term complication of procedure. Conclusion: no failure detected and product within specification. Certainty of device as cause of or contributor to event: invalid data. Corrective actions: device permanently removed from service, device returned to manufacturer/dealer/distributor. The device was not destroyed/disposed of.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5