DEPTH GAGE 2.0/2.4 45MM LONG N/A 01-9125

MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a company representative report with the FDA on 2017-07-26 for DEPTH GAGE 2.0/2.4 45MM LONG N/A 01-9125 manufactured by Biomet Microfixation.

Event Text Entries

[81111674] Device product code: eil. Current information is insufficient to permit a valid conclusion about the cause of this event; a follow-up report will be sent upon completion of the device evaluation.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[81111675] It was reported the tip of the depth gauge broke in the patient's mouth. The surgeon tried to remove the piece but was not successful. Less than one millimeter of the tip remained in the right side of the patient's mandible. The surgeon stated there will be no revision to remove the tip as they feel the tip does not present any danger to the patient. There was no delay to the procedure that exceeded ten minutes.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

[114366162] This follow-up report is being submitted to relay additional information. Complaint sample was evaluated and the reported event was confirmed. The product was returned without packaging. The instrument was visually evaluated and found to have a section of the depth gauge spike broken off. When the spike is slid, the remaining portion of the spike begins to exit the guide at 18 mm, indicating the section of the tip broken off was roughly 18 mm in length. The instrument is in good overall cosmetic condition with scratches and normal signs of wear from use; slight discoloration was observed on the handle and the interface between the spike and slide. The manufacturing history was reviewed and no discrepancies were found. Review of the complaint history determined that no further action is required as no were trends identified. Investigation results concluded that the reported event was due to excessive force applied by the user. The spike is delicate as the tip tapers from. 034? To. 022? Thick. A summary of the investigation will be sent to the complainant conveying proper surgical technique and use of the device. If any further information is found which would change or alter any conclusions or information, a supplemental will be filed accordingly. Zimmer biomet will continue to monitor for trends. Based on the product evaluation, the following fields were updated: report date to reflect the date of this report. Date received by mfr to reflect the date the product evaluation as completed. Type of reports to reflect this is follow up report #1. If follow-up, what type? To reflect the reason for the follow-up report. Device evaluated by mfr? To reflect the product evaluation is completed. (b)(4). Additional mfr narrative to reflect relevant additional information.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number0001032347-2017-00594
MDR Report Key6745294
Date Received2017-07-26
Date of Report2017-12-14
Date of Event2017-06-28
Date Mfgr Received2017-11-17
Device Manufacturer Date2009-01-22
Date Added to Maude2017-07-26
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactMRS. MICHELLE COLE
Manufacturer Street1520 TRADEPORT DRIVE
Manufacturer CityJACKSONVILLE FL 32218
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal32218
Manufacturer Phone9047414400
Manufacturer Street1520 TRADEPORT DRIVE
Manufacturer CityJACKSONVILLE FL 32218
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal Code32218
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Removal Correction NumberN/A
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Brand NameDEPTH GAGE 2.0/2.4 45MM LONG
Product CodeEIL
Date Received2017-07-26
Returned To Mfg2017-06-10
Model NumberN/A
Catalog Number01-9125
Lot Number535681
ID NumberN/A
Device AvailabilityR
Device AgeDA
Device Eval'ed by MfgrY
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
Manufacturer Address1520 TRADEPORT DRIVE JACKSONVILLE FL 32218 US 32218


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Deathisabilit 2017-07-26

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