Started using fasciablaster (b)(6) 2017. On (b)(6) 2017 i noticed pain in my right calf. It then became very painful and red and that's when i noticed a varicose vein. I have never had any previously. The vein and painful swelling went down after 3-4 days but my calf is now disfigured. I have my calf muscle then a lump and another deep crease indention. I always blasted lightly and timed at 2-3 minutes per section. Due to busy schedule i only blasted at max 2 times a week. I stopped blasting and didn't start back until approx. (b)(6) the painful varicose looking vein showed up again. I then took more pictures and noticed how crepe and sagging the skin was above both knees. I was doing crossfit previously until (b)(6) 2017. Foolishly, i blasted once again and was going to do the isolation exercises that (b)(6) recommends to try and improve the problem areas i now have. After the last blast in (b)(6) 2017, i decided the product wasn't for me. As of today (b)(6) 2017 my calf is still deformed looking and i have not been able to tighten the crepe loose skin above my knees.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5