MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a company representative,health report with the FDA on 2018-01-16 for 3M? HEALTH CARE AURA? PARTICULATE RESPIRATOR AND SURGICAL MASK 1870+ manufactured by 3m Health Care.

Event Text Entries

[97376702] Pt identifier and weight: no information provided. This type of reported event is rare. The product is not made with natural rubber latex. The doctor mentioned the steroid given was probably solu-medrol (methylprednisolone). The product used is no longer available and will not be sent in for evaluation. End of report.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[97376703] An occupational health worker alleged that a female, who is a registered nurse (rn), wore a surgical respirator to perform patient care for an isolation patient. Within thirty minutes of wearing the surgical respirator, she began to feel strange and thought she smelled latex in the surgical respirator. After removal of the surgical respirator, the rn continued to feel unwell, was seen in the emergency room, and then admitted to the hospital critical care unit, where she remained over the weekend. A medical doctor who is an allergist contacted 3m and alleged that the rn experienced anaphylaxis, where the symptoms included shortness of breath, throat tightness, profuse rhinorrhea and hypotension, which resulted after the first-time use of this type of surgical respirator worn by the rn. The rn was hospitalized the same day on (b)(6) 2017, and was discharged on (b)(6) 2017. She was given epinephrine, steroids and an antihistamine in the emergency room, and therapy was continued with epinephrine and steroids during the hospital stay. The current status of the (rn) is fine according to the doctor.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

[102136419] Information obtained on february 15, 2018 indicates: (b)(4) samples were received and visually reviewed with no abnormalities observed, and no abnormal odor noticed. Complaints were reviewed from complaints were reviewed from january 1, 2016 to december 31, 2017; there has been a total of (b)(4) medical complaints received, where one involved an anaphylactic reaction in addition to this current complaint. The additional complaint did not have the same lot number as this complaint. End of report.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number2110898-2018-00009
MDR Report Key7195317
Date Received2018-01-16
Date of Report2018-02-27
Date of Event2017-12-29
Date Mfgr Received2018-01-15
Device Manufacturer Date2017-07-26
Date Added to Maude2018-01-16
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactLINDA JOHNSEN
Manufacturer Street2510 CONWAY AVE 3M CENTER, BUILDING 275-5W-06
Manufacturer CityST. PAUL MN 55144
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal55144
Manufacturer Phone6517374376
Manufacturer G13M U.K., PLC 3M HEALTHCARE
Manufacturer StreetHEIGHINGTON LANE
Manufacturer CityAYCLIFFE DURHAM DL5 6AF
Manufacturer CountryUK
Manufacturer Postal CodeDL5 6AF
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Product CodeMSH
Date Received2018-01-16
Returned To Mfg2018-01-24
Model Number1870+
Catalog Number1870+
Lot NumberC172071
Device AvailabilityR
Device AgeDA
Device Eval'ed by MfgrY
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
Manufacturer3M HEALTH CARE
Manufacturer Address2510 CONWAY AVE. 3M CENTER, BUILDING 275-5W-06 ST. PAUL MN 55144 US 55144


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Hospitalization 2018-01-16

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