MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a foreign,health professional report with the FDA on 2018-02-07 for THOPAZ+ PUMP SALE 079100 manufactured by Medela Ag.

Event Text Entries

[99188450] The? Device? Was? Returned? To? Medela? (b)(4) for? Evaluation,? Which? Was? Conducted? By? A? Certified? Technician? On? (b)(6) 2017.?? All? Of? The? Data? From? The? Device? Was? Downloaded? And? Analyzed? And? It? Indicated? That? The? Device? Was? Working? As? Intended.?? It? Was? Also? Determined? That? There? Appeared? To? Have? Been? No? Harm? To? The? Device? As? A? Result? Of? The? Impact? From? The? Patient? Dropping? It? On? The? Floor.?? During? Testing,? The? Device? Correctly? Showed? A? Flow? Of? 0? Ml/min,? Which? Indicated? That? The? Device? Was? Working? As? Intended. It? Was? Determined? That? The? Tru-close? System? Should? Not? Be? Used? With? The? Thopaz+? Device.?? The? Tru-close? System? Was? Clogged? With? Coagulated? Blood? And,? Therefore,? The? Thopaz+? Device? Only? Showed? The? Flow? From? The? Clogged? Chest? Tube? To? The? Device. In? The? Instructions? For? Use,? Page? 7,? It? Is? Written? That? "medela? Can? Only? Guarantee? The? Safe? Functioning? Of? The? System? When? The? Thopaz+? Is? Used? In? Combination? With? The? Original? Thopaz+? Accessories? (canisters,? Tubings,? Carrying? Strap,? Mains? Adapter,? And? Docking? Station). "?? To? Work? Optimally? As? Intended,? The? Thopaz+? System? Must? Be? Connected? Directly? To? The? Pleural? Space? Through? A? Normal? Chest? Tube.?? The? Device? Does? Not? Work? Optimally? And? As? Intended? With? Another? Chest? Tube? System,? Especially? If? That? System? Is? Clogged.?? The? Clinical? Staff,? Doctors? And? Nurses? At? The? (b)(6) hospital? Were? Trained? That? The? Two? Systems? Should? Only? Be? Used? Separately.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[99188531] On (b)(6) 2017:? The? Patient? Was? Diagnosed? At? (b)(6) hospital? With? A? Pneumothorax,? And? A? Chest? Tube? Called? Tru-close? Was? Placed.? On (b)(6) 2017:? The? Tru-close? System? Was? Connected? To? A? Thopaz+? Device? Because? The? Lung? Was? Not? Expanding.?? The? Negative? Pressure? Was? Set? At? -10? Cm? H2o.?? Initially,? An? Air? Leak? Of? 700? Ml/min? Was? Detected,? But? Shortly? After,? The? Air? Leak? Was? At? 0? Ml/min.? Subsequently,?? Shortly? After? The? Chest? Tube? Insertion,? The? Patient? Informed? Hospital? Staff? That? He? Dropped? The? Thopaz+? Device? On? The? Floor.? The? Pump? Appeared? To? Work? Afterwards.?? At? That? Time,? The? Staff? Did? Not? Check? The? Catheter? To? Determine? If? The? Patient? Catheter? Was? Open? Or? Clogged. On (b)(6) 2017:?? After? One? Day,? A? New? X-ray? Of? The? Thorax/lung? Was? Taken,? Which? Showed? An? Increasing? Pneumothorax.? The? Patient? Was? Not? Worsening? Clinically? Nor? From? A? Respiratory? Standpoint.? In? The? Patient's? Medical? Record,? It? Was? Described? That? There? Was? Visible? Coagulated? Blood? In? The? Tube.?? As? A? Result,? The? Staff? Flushed? The? Tru-close? Tube? With? Saline? To? Remove? The? Coagulated? Blood? From? The? Tru-close? System? And? They? Changed? The? Thopaz+? Device? To? A? Traditional? Water? Seal? Drainage? System.?? An? X-ray? Of? The? Lung? After? 2? Hours? With? The? Traditional? System? Showed? Improvement? Of? The? Pneumothorax,? As? The? System? Was? No? Longer? Clogged. On (b)(6) 2017:?? The? Patient? Was? Transferred? To? (b)(6)? Hospital? To? The? Cardio-thoracic? Department? Because? Of? Increasing? Pneumothorax. On (b)(6) 2017:?? The? Patient? Was? Transferred? Back? At? (b)(6) hospital? Without? Any? Chest? Tube? Or? Drainage? System? And? Was? Sent? Home? Shortly? Thereafter.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number1419937-2018-00033
MDR Report Key7247003
Date Received2018-02-07
Date of Report2018-02-07
Date of Event2017-07-27
Date Facility Aware2018-02-05
Date Mfgr Received2017-08-28
Device Manufacturer Date2016-08-26
Date Added to Maude2018-02-07
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactROBERT SOKOLOWSKI
Manufacturer Street1101 CORPORATE DRIVE
Manufacturer CityMCHENRY IL 60050
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal60050
Manufacturer G1MEDELA AG
Manufacturer StreetLATTICHSTRASSE 4B
Manufacturer CityBAAR KANTON ZUG 6341
Manufacturer CountrySZ
Manufacturer Postal Code6341
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Product CodeBTA
Date Received2018-02-07
Model Number079100
Catalog Number079100
Device AvailabilityY
Device Eval'ed by MfgrR
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
ManufacturerMEDELA AG


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Other 2018-02-07

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