I had two ipl/bbl treatments. Specifically, they were sciton fotofacial bbl treatments with dr (b)(6) md (predominantly to attempt to reduce redness in my facial skin that had been caused by fluorouracil topical treatment but also to attempt to make it overall more clear). I'm cautious by nature with medical treatment, so i drove over 200 miles round trip to be treated by dr bitter, who developed bbl broadband light (fotofacial) himself. Bbl is a type of ipl. Ipl stands for intense pulsed light. Bbl stands for broadband light. The treatments were done on (b)(6) 2017 and (b)(6) 2017. I didn't notice any adverse effects in the weeks or months after the (b)(6) 2017 treatment performed by (b)(6), rn. On (b)(6) 2017, three weeks after the second ((b)(6) 2017) treatment performed by dr (b)(6), i noticed both obvious facial fat atrophy and obvious/visible pore size on my face. I had never had visible pores on my face before. And i had normal fat atrophy that occurs with everyone as they age, but post-treatment this was more obvious, noticeable, accelerated. Pre-treatment i researched and saw no drs stating that this treatment can cause facial fat atrophy and/or cause enlarged pores. I found a lot of info indicating that this was a pretty benign treatment with regard to potential side effects, that side effects were minimal. I've since specifically researched facial fat atrophy with ipl/bbl treatments and found many individuals who claim to have had the same adverse effects as i did of enlarged pore size and facial fat loss/atrophy (despite many drs still claiming this is impossible when asked the specific question about ipl/bbl, causing fat loss). Dr (b)(6) is the only dr i have seen state that he believes ipl can cause facial fat loss: (b)(6). Com/fat-grafting/correcting-fat-loss-in-ipl-damage-my-thoughts. My goal is simply to make it mandatory that these potential adverse side effects be disclosed to pts pre-treatment so that they can make informed medical decisions.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5