MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a company representative,health report with the FDA on 2018-03-20 for ULTRATHANE SUPRAPUBIC CATHETER SET USCS-085025 manufactured by Cook Inc.

Event Text Entries

[102888194] Common name: catheter, suprapubic (and accessories); catheter, nephrostomy. Product code: kob. (b)(4). This report includes information known at this time. A follow up report will be submitted should additional relevant information become available.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[102888195] It was reported a (b)(6) female patient with a history of recurrent pleural effusion, had a catheter from the ultrathane suprapubic catheter set placed in the chest wall for drainage by a physician in interventional radiology. The catheter had been sutured in place in the middle of the catheter. The catheter clotted off and while attempting to flush the catheter it came apart inside the patient. The patient was already scheduled to have a thoracoscopy with partial decortication procedure. The remainder of the catheter was removed from the patient during this scheduled procedure.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

[112898744] Investigation/evaluation: a visual inspection of the returned device was conducted during the investigation. The investigation also included a review of drawings, the instructions for use, manufacturing instructions, quality control data, and specifications. The device was returned and visual inspection has confirmed that the catheter shaft ruptured into two separate pieces. All possible measurements were within specifications (including inner/outer diameter) and therefore we cannot confirm this device to be non-conforming. During product examination, the lumen was identified to be occluded with biomatter which is likely related to the rupture. It is very possible that the device became occluded because of a torturous environment that the catheter is not designed for. A review of the device history records was not able to be performed as the device lot number was not provided. A review of complaint history for the complaint device lot number could also not be performed without the lot number. A document review was conducted and established that proper procedures are in place in order to identify/prevent this failure mode prior to distribution. The ifu states the intended use of the device. The ultrathane suprapubic catheter is used to provide bladder drainage by percutaneous placement of a loop catheter. The ifu instructs the user to insert the catheter vertically into the bladder on patients without previous pelvic surgery, or at a 30? Angle toward the symphysis pubis on patients with previous pelvic surgery. Remove the needle obturator and observe for urine flow. Further instructing to retract the catheter shaft until the loop is felt against the bladder dome. Advance the catheter approximately 2 cm back into the bladder to allow for normal movement. The likely cause for the catheter rupture is related to product use? Did not follow instructions/label. The quality engineering risk assessment determined that no further action is warranted. Monitoring will continue to be performed for similar complaints. The appropriate personnel have been notified of this event.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[112898745] It was reported a (b)(6)-year-old female patient with a history of recurrent pleural effusion, had a catheter from the ultrathane suprapubic catheter set placed in the chest wall for drainage by a physician in interventional radiology. The catheter had been sutured in place in the middle of the catheter. The catheter clotted off and while attempting to flush the catheter it came apart inside the patient. The patient was already scheduled to have a thoracoscopy with partial decortication procedure. The remainder of the catheter was removed from the patient during this scheduled procedure.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number1820334-2018-00600
MDR Report Key7352698
Date Received2018-03-20
Date of Report2018-07-02
Date of Event2018-02-26
Date Mfgr Received2018-06-27
Date Added to Maude2018-03-20
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactMR. LARRY POOL
Manufacturer Street750 DANIELS WAY
Manufacturer CityBLOOMINGTON IN 47404
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal47404
Manufacturer Phone8128294891
Manufacturer G1COOK INC
Manufacturer Street750 DANIELS WAY
Manufacturer CityBLOOMINGTON IN 47404
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal Code47404
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Product CodeKOB
Date Received2018-03-20
Returned To Mfg2018-03-28
Catalog NumberUSCS-085025
Device AvailabilityR
Device AgeDA
Device Eval'ed by MfgrY
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
ManufacturerCOOK INC
Manufacturer Address750 DANIELS WAY BLOOMINGTON IN 47404 US 47404


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Required No Informationntervention 2018-03-20

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