A customer from (b)(6) reported misidentifications of six (6) acinetobacter baumanni strains as alcaligenes faecalis in association with the vitek? 2 gn test kit. The customer reported that after their vitek system was updated to version 7. 01, identifications of acinetobacter baumanni had stopped appearing in their internal medicine service, and a new species, alcaligenes faecalis sp faecalis, was displayed. The customer realized that the morphology of colonies was not characteristic for alcaligenes spp. , so the strains were sent to an external lab for identification by mass spectrometry. The results were acinetobacter baumanni. Oxidase tests were performed on each strain obtaining a negative result. Acinetobacter baumanni is oxidase negative and alcaligenes spp is oxidase positive. Fresh strains were grown and processed with manual biochemistry and a spectrometer, and results of acinetobacter baumanni were obtained. The local fas/fse conducted additional testing and reported that seven (7) strains provided by the customer were processed in triplicate in the customer's instrument, and six (6) identified as algaligenes faecalis faecalis, and one (1) as acinetobacter baumanni. The strains were processed in three different vitek ms instruments, two vitek 2 instruments and by different users. All strains identified as acinetobacter baumanni with vitek ms and api? 20ne, while vitek 2 identified alcaligenes faecalis. The customer's vitek 2xl was reviewed by two engineers, and updated to version 8. 01. The same strains were processed again, giving acinetobacter baumanni. No patient information was provided by the customer. There is no indication or report from the hospital or treating physician to biom? Rieux that the discrepant result led to any adverse event related to the patient's state of health. A biom? Rieux internal investigation will be initiated.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5