For two years i lost the ability to digest food well. About every other b. M was the runs. I lost significant weight and had severe dehydration. The problem resolved after ending invisalign retainer and retainer brite cleaner. I switched to an acrylic and metal retainer and baking soda and vinegar cleaning. My digestion improved except for a severe reaction to dairy. During this illness i developed arthritis. I asked my dentist what the retainer was made of. He said they are made in mexico and could not tell me because it was proprietary. I paid (b)(6) for core and testing in addition to what my insurance paid. The only relief was i. V. 's. The drs and specialists had no explanation. I tried the retainer on my own initiative based on the fact i broke out in facial sweat when i ate food. An mri showed hip arthritis that explained the pain that started during this illness. Invisalign - dental retainer; retainer brite - retainer cleaner; 1 tab/night, 1 / day, i tablet in water with retainer overnight. Date the person first started taking or using the product: (b)(6) 2015; date the person stopped taking or using the product: (b)(6) 2017. "did the problem stop after the person reduced the dose or stopped taking or using the product: yes; did the problem return if the person started taking or using the product again: didn't restart. "
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5