At approx 1:45 pm, this individual was receiving therapy at (b)(6). An e-stim was being used on her left shoulder to her right knee, currently. When the e-stim was activated, an increased shock was felt to her left arm with sharp shooting pain traveling up to her neck and down to her fingertips. The shock jerked her arm upward and she yelled out. Once the e-stim was turned off, the sharp pain ceased, but her left arm was still stiff and tingling. This was reported immediately and the e-stim was taken out of service, and now sequestered indefinitely. (b)(4) are aware. Relevant therapy note: "estim was applied to l shoulder and r knee in order to decrease pain. Parameters: interferential current, cv, 4000 hz, 80/150 hz, automatic vector scan, 40%. Shoulder - 5. 8 volts x 13 minutes, knee 6. 8 volts x 10 minutes. Pt reported severe shooting pain / l shoulder. As per pt, "electric shock pain - l hand to the neck. " discontinued electrical stimulation treatment immediately and applied cryotherapy to l shoulder and neck in order to decrease acute pain. Pt reported 7/10 pain after the treatment today. No change in skin condition after or before application of estim or after surge. " dates of use: (b)(6) 2018, (b)(6) 2018. Diagnosis or reason for use: work related injuries to shoulder and knee.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5