On (b)(6) 2018 the dentist removed a temporary crown and used gluma desensitizer. The assistant tried to use gauze to block the chemical from touching my skin and i was told the gluma sometimes irritate skin. The permanent crown was not correct, so the dentist had her prepare another temporary crown. The next morning, i had swelling of my tongue and blisters along and under my tongue on the lower left side of my mouth. The swelling lasted for three days and the blisters lasted one week. On (b)(6) 2019 gluma was used again during the preparation for the permanent crown with no safeguards for the chemical application. The next morning, i experienced tongue, face, lip swelling, rash and blisters on my tongue, as well as the left side of my mouth. I was treated for a chemical burn and drug allergy at a local er and prescribed steroids. Date the person first started taking or using the product: (b)(6) 2018; date the person stopped taking or using the product: (b)(6) 2019; administered by dentist.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5