MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed with the FDA on 2019-01-30 for STRATAFIX SXPD2B201 manufactured by Surgical Specialties Corporation Mexico.

Event Text Entries

[134518798] There was a second lot number reported for the above event: lot number: aabs784, manufacturing date: 08/27/2017, expiration date: 07/31/2022. A review of the device history records for the reported finished good lots and raw material components identified no quality issues during the incoming, manufacturing, in-process or final inspection processes. There were no other complaints received for the specific finished good lots. The actual devices, sterile samples from the reported lots and/or photographs were not provided for review or testing. If samples from this lot or photographs become available at a later time, the devices and/or photos will be reviewed and/or tested and the results will be included in the file. A revised response letter will be forwarded to you at that time. Samples from the reported lot [retained samples aacm221] were visually reviewed for barb placement and depth by our quality engineer. No visual defects were observed and the barbs meet all current requirements according the current product design for item sxpd2b201. The complaint could not be confirmed as reported. Without reviewing and testing the complaint device or receiving pertinent details regarding the pre-operative preparation of the device, procedure performed, surgeon's technique, post-operative instructions or events that may have occurred and/or contributed to the report. A capa [(b)(4)] was initiated to review the barbing process and address the reported failure of [not barbed/ shallow barbs; barbs not prominent on the device]. Based on the investigation and information collected and analyzed, there are multiple related conditions that could contribute to the reported failure. The following are possible root causes that have been identified throughout the barbing process. Re-training on procedure (b)(4). During the investigation, it was determined that the operators require a greater knowledge of the procedure and setup of the machines. There is a variation in the diameter of the suture between supplier lots. Some areas on the length of the suture can measure closer to the minimum requirement. When this thinner suture is being processed and the machine is set to cut the barbs, the barbs are not cut as deep as the barbs on a thicker, more robust piece of suture material. This can potentially occur within the same lot or box of product and results in variances in how the barbs appear from piece to piece. The suture is often loose on the spool and this requires the machine to be adjusted. The blade loses its? Edge after several cuts during the process. Worn blades on the barbing machine have an effect on how the barbs are cut on the suture material. The operator can install the wrong? Anvil? During the initial machine setup. The position and setup of the blade will cause a variation of the suture cut. As part of the process review and the investigation the following improvements has been implemented or will be implemented to the barbing process and are continuously reviewed and improved: a? Continuous improvement? Certification program was created for all barbing machine operators so they are well trained on the process and the barbing operation [completed on 08/30/2018]. A form (b)(4) was updated by quality to ensure the correct setup on the barbing machine [completed on 09/13/2018]. A pokayoke was installed on all the blade bases of the barbing machine, to avoid variation during the blade set up installation changes [completed on 08/31/2018]. (b)(4). The expiration date of the ig charts (reference document for angle and depth measurement of barbs) was changed to every six (6) months [completed on 10/02/2018]. The ig chart (reference document for angle and depth measurement of barbs) will be revised to be? User friendly? For the operator/inspectors [completed on 10/26/18]. A new visual aid (b)(4) was created to measure depth and angle of the barbs. All operators involved in the process have been trained by our engineers [completed on 10/02/2018]. The engineering team updated the procedure (b)(4) to set the frequency to change the blades at least once per week [completed on 10/02/2018]. An engineering study was made to calculate the life of the blade edge [ completed on 10/31/2018].
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[134518799] It is being reported by our affiliate that the hooks (barbs) have become smaller and no longer hold properly in the tissue. There was-re-operation of the capsula without further incident.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number3010692967-2019-00003
MDR Report Key8288634
Date Received2019-01-30
Date of Report2019-01-29
Date of Event2018-12-31
Date Facility Aware2018-12-31
Report Date2005-01-01
Date Reported to FDA2005-01-01
Date Reported to Mfgr2005-01-10
Date Mfgr Received2005-01-14
Device Manufacturer Date2018-04-03
Date Added to Maude2019-01-30
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactMR. RONALD GIANNANGELO
Manufacturer Street247 STATION DRIVE SUITE NE1
Manufacturer CityWESTWOOD MA 02090
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal02090
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Product CodeGAB
Date Received2019-01-30
Model NumberSXPD2B201
Lot NumberAACM221
Device AvailabilityN
Device Age1 YR
Device Eval'ed by MfgrR
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Other 2019-01-30

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