Skyn condoms has added a "sensual masking agent" (a fragrance product) to their condoms, but as condoms do not require ingredients lists on their products, there is no way for consumers to know this. I have a severe fragrance sensitivity and had trouble breathing when i opened the condom that required using my antihistamines and an inhaler to resolve. Consumers need to know what's in their products and safety data should be available. I contacted the brand and was told that it was patchouli oil (it's not clear if it's natural or synthetic and what, if any, other fragrance chemicals were added to their "masking agent"). I work as a sexuality educator and oil-based products and fragrance products are both things that are ill-advised for vaginal usage as they can make some folks more susceptible to vaginal infections. I would like to see all condom packages labeled with an ingredients list moving forward. Who can i contact to discuss this? If my lotion has an ingredients list and it's going inside my body, than surely a product designed for internal use should have a list of ingredients. I do not have any relevant tests, however, the company sent me a lengthy ingredients list that i can share if needed (as well as email correspondence). Is the product over-the-counter? Yes; did the problem stop after the person reduced the dose or stopped taking or using the product? Yes. Reason for use: as contraception.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5