I have tried and tried to no avail to fill your form out. It will not accept the phone number or email of company i am complaining about. I am so frustrated with them and your site that i am now ready to say forget it, but i feel i have a right as a consumer to file a complaint. My granddaughter gave me a hurry cane as a gift, used it a few times and the entire bottom fell off. My son took it apart tightened it all up and i was going down a flight of stairs and it fell apart and i almost fell down the stairs. A man grabbed me in time. I tried to call them, they were rude told me i didn? T know how to use it. What how to use a cane that fell apart, then i emailed, no response. Then my daughter put it on twitter and thought they would respond. No response. Then i tried to leave a review on their site. Got an email saying could not leave it because it did not meet their standards. I tried again, same thing. Now i just called them and told customer service i was sending the bottom part back and needed their address. She said take it back where you got it we have nothing to do with it. I said it is your product and i want you to see it. She said we do not give out our address. I told her it is illegal not to have an address, she said oh well we don? T have to give it out. I told her i wanted to speak to a supervisor as i was going to contact the ag of (b)(6). She put me on hold and never came back. So i found this address for the company and i want to file a formal complaint against them. I am (b)(6) and this was a very big deal to me. I almost was seriously injured and they could care less. I also will be writing to any and all agencies that accept complaints. I will not give up. This is wrong that a company can treat someone like this. I have never in my (b)(6) years been treated with such disregard, disrespect, and dismissal as i have with this company. Sadly this is made in usa product, which i always try to buy having twin marine grandsons, but if this is how this company acts it is not doing good companies a service.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5