MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a distributor,foreign report with the FDA on 2019-02-26 for ULTRASONIC GENERATOR 230V CE OS3000 manufactured by Orthofix Srl.

Event Text Entries

[137130853] On july 2017 orthofix (b)(4) acquired from orthosonics ltd, the oscar system, for ultrasonic arthroplasty revision. Therefore, orthofix (b)(4) is now managing post-market surveillance for oscar devices, also for the ones manufactured and released to the market by orthosonics ltd. The device involved in this event was manufactured by orthosonics ltd. Technical evaluation: the generator and one handset were received by orthofix (b)(4) on 18 february 2019. The second handset is still not returned. Orthofix (b)(4) is strictly in contact with the local distributor to have the device concerned. The technical evaluation will be performed as soon as all devices are available. Medical evaluation: the information available on the case was sent to our medical evaluator. A preliminary medical evaluation was performed and will be finalized once the results of the investigation are available. As soon as the results of the investigation are available, orthofix (b)(4) will provide a follow up report. Orthofix (b)(4) continues monitoring the devices on the market. Please kindly refer also to mfr report number 9680825-2019-00011 and mfr report number 9680825-2019-00012.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[137130854] The information provided by the local distributor indicates: hospital name: (b)(6) hospital. Surgeon name: mr (b)(6). Date of initial surgery: (b)(6) 2019. Body part to which device was applied: hip revision. Surgery description: revision epr. Patient information: female. Problem observed during: clinical use on patient/intraoperative. Type of problem: device functional problem. Event description: "staff could not be certain if the handpiece or console was shorting out. " the complaint report form also indicates: the device failure did not have any adverse effects to patient. The initial surgery was completed with the device. The event led to a clinically relevant increase in the duration of the surgical procedure. An additional surgery was not required. A medical intervention (outpatient clinic) was not required. Copies of the operative report are not available. Copies of the x-ray images are not available. On (b)(6) 2019, orthofix (b)(4) received the following additional information: "i think it took us extra hour to hour and a half to finish the case". (b)(4).
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number9680825-2019-00010
MDR Report Key8369397
Date Received2019-02-26
Date of Report2019-03-25
Date of Event2019-01-30
Date Mfgr Received2019-03-14
Date Added to Maude2019-02-26
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactMR. ROBERTO DONADELLO
Manufacturer StreetVIA DELLE NAZIONI, 9
Manufacturer CityBUSSOLENGO, VERONA, ITALY 37012
Manufacturer CountryIT
Manufacturer Postal37012
Manufacturer G1ORTHOFIX SRL
Manufacturer StreetVIA DELLE NAZIONI, 9
Manufacturer CityBUSSOLENGO, VERONA, ITALY 37012
Manufacturer CountryIT
Manufacturer Postal Code37012
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Product CodeJDX
Date Received2019-02-26
Returned To Mfg2019-02-18
Model NumberOS3000
Catalog NumberOS3000
Lot Number3G4013
Device AvailabilityR
Device AgeDA
Device Eval'ed by MfgrY
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
ManufacturerORTHOFIX SRL
Manufacturer AddressVIA DELLE NAZIONI, 9 BUSSOLENGO, VERONA, ITALY 37012 IT 37012


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
101. Required No Informationntervention 2019-02-26

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