In consulted and was examined by (b)(6), md who practices in (b)(6). Dr (b)(6) specializes in skin care and aesthetics. She prescribed standard ultherapy at depths of 3. 0mm and 4. 5mm for stimulating the production of collagen. A tech with training in ultrasound and specifically trained in the use of the merz aesthetics ultherapy device administered the prescribed treatment. This ultherapy treatment immediately caused raised lines on my skin wherever the transducer was applied. These lines were red and very swollen with black dots in each pore. I returned the next day to dr (b)(6) office and was told the redness, black dots in each pore, and raised lines would resolve in a week. However, this initial condition lasted approx three weeks. At six weeks the lines are now white, raised bumps in rows along both cheeks. They can be seen and felt. I have consulted a dermatologist and a plastic surgeon. Both physicians feel tissue below the epidermis has been permanently scarred which is the cause of the rows of bumps. They are disfiguring causing me to become depressed and too embarrassed to leave the house or meet with people. The device is still in the possession of dr (b)(6).
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5