It is somewhat embarrassing to write this publicity, but i feel like i need to make a public service announcement. The trojan amplified condom we used seems to have literally burned my genitals. Imagine a sunburn inside and out. This was confirmed by both my dr and a second physician. During usage, the sensation was not particularly pleasant, but not awful, either. The lubricant is supposed to be "warming and tingling" and it felt like that. However, the next day, my vulva and the inside of my vagina felt unusually raw. That evening, i used a mild lubricant to soothe, but it didn't seem to help much. That lubricant was the blossom organics natural lubricant, an fda registered compliant product. On the second day, my vulva was burning all day. The pain was not focused around my urethra, and it was not related to my urinary habits. My urine also appeared and smelled normal. A uti seemed unlikely, but i thought i might have a yeast infection or some other infection and scheduled a dr's appt. On day three, i started seeing what appeared like white "gunk" - like toilet tissue residue - but still no discharge. Skipping forward to my gynecologist visit, i expected something like an infection due to disturbances to the ph or microbiota. Instead, the dr examined me thoroughly and called in a colleague. She took samples for a slide from all over my vagina and examined them. It turns out that i have an actual burn inside my vagina and all over my vulva. The residue that was falling into my urine and wiping off is basically like the peeling of a sunburn. According to the drs, the new skin underneath appears healthy, and there is likely no long-term damage. However, there is basically nothing i can do either. Until the damaged skin peels away and the new skin is fully healed, i am likely to continued to be in pain. They gave me an estimate of 2-4 weeks before i can resume sexual activity, as well.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5