Surgically implanted medical device broke, (b)(4), synthes, inc. (b)(4), 4. 5mm variable angle lcp curved consular plate part # 02. 124. 408, (b)(4) 8 hole, length 195mm, right 4. 5mm va-lcp curved condylar plate page 41, 45 of booklet: depuy synthes drama surgical technique companies of johnson - johnson. (b)(6) is the injured party. Dob (b)(6). She slipped and fell (b)(6) 2018. Broke right femur, just above her artificial knee replacement. Surgery to repair break, added 4. 5mm plate, 11 screws; 11 1/2 wks in rehab facility. First 8 weeks - no weight on rt leg. She was finally released to go home with home therapy for month and a half. Started out pt rehab at (b)(6). Two rehab sessions. On (b)(6) while doing her home therapy exercise, horizontal leg lifts, on the 6th lift, she felt something broke, great pain, unable to use her walker. (b)(6), able to get an orthopedic appt with dr (b)(6), xrays were again taken. It showed the implanted plate snapped in half. She was immediately sent over the hosp and admitted on the (b)(6). Because of her blood thinner, she takes for heart disease, surgery was delayed to (b)(6). I requested her orthopedic surgeon, keep, clean up the broken plate. He gave it to me in a sealed envelop. I have possession of the broken plate. My mother at the age of (b)(6) y/o should not have to go through the injury, pain, and suffering from this defective and under engineered design. The break occurred through a non used screw hole. I have plate, photos of xrays through implant, check ups, and finally at break discovery. My name is (b)(6). I am eldest son of (b)(6). I have medical authority for her care. My contact info: (b)(6). My mother's info: (b)(6). (b)(4).
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