I was a (b)(6) woman with normal ovarian reserve but dr (b)(6) pushed highest starting doses of 450 iu fsh, plus a lot of lupron injections that resulted in horrible skin rashes. Skin rashes appeared when lupron injections were ordered as a part of ivf (b)(6) 2017 - (b)(6) 2017. Dr (b)(6) ordered lupron injections again for some study test era cycle (b)(6) 2017 - (b)(6) 2017. More lupron injections were given for fet cycle (b)(6) 2017 - (b)(6) 2017. I am still recovering. Other serious/important medical incident: moderate ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome with bloating, abnormal pain; terrible skin rashes. Highest fsh dose 450 iu given by dr (b)(6) as 300iu follistim + 150 iu menopur during (b)(6) 2017, two weeks of lupron injections given too. I bought all ivf medication from glen rock pharmacy, design rx. I was told that estimating hormone levels are necessary and demanded by fda regulations; however, dr (b)(6) misdiagnosed with poor ovulation to push his copy and paste aggressive ivf protocol with 450 iu fsh. Dr (b)(6) performed terrible endometrial scratching without showing that sharp object. Unprofessional. Unnecessary but terrible endometrial scratching performed by sharp tool. I have no idea what kind of sharp tool was used during horrible biopsy.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5