72 year old female who received defibrillation from a lifepak 10 fast patch adaptor. The defibrillation electrodes were placed on the patient and the patient received a total of nine (9) defibrillations at various energy levels. When the apex electrode was removed, it was noted that the patient has received a partial/full thickness burn to the left axillary anterior chest wall as a direct result defibrillation with the fast patch adaptor electrode. This piece of equipment was removed from service immediately and was inspected by the service representative. No problems were found with this equipment. Device labeled for single use. Patient medical status prior to event: critical condition. There was not multiple patient involvement. Device serviced in accordance with service schedule. Date last serviced: 01-mar-92. Service provided by: factory trained/authorized/owned service organization. Service records available. No imminent hazard to public health claimed. Device used as labeled/intended. Device was evaluated after the event. Method of evaluation: invalid data. Results of evaluation: invalid data. Conclusion: there was no device failure. Certainty of device as cause of or contributor to event: invalid data. Corrective actions: device temporarily removed from service. The device was not destroyed/disposed of.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5