MAUDE Adverse Event Report

MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices. This maude entry was filed from a company representative,health report with the FDA on 2020-01-14 for RELIEVA SPIN PLUS KIT, 3 GUIDES, 6MM, 5PK RSP0616MFS manufactured by Acclarent, Inc..

Event Text Entries

[175850044] Manufacturer? S ref. No: (b)(4). Information regarding patient identifier, date of birth, weight, race, ethnicity, and medical history were not provided. [conclusion]: the healthcare professional reported that during a primary balloon sinuplasty (bsp) procedure on (b)(6) 2019, targeting the frontal, maxillary, and sphenoid sinuses, the frontal guide catheter tip on the 6mm 3 guides relieva spinplus kit (rsp0616mfs / 190627a-pc) cracked when it was inserted into the patient? S nasal cavity. It was reported that the tip cracked but did not become separated from the rest of the guide catheter. No pieces fell into or were left in the patient? S anatomy. The physician verified using the endoscope (stryker) and confirmed that there was no particle left in the patient. The device was replaced with another 6mm 3 guides relieva spinplus kit (rsp0616mfs), and the physician completed the procedure. There was no report of any patient adverse event or complication. The product was returned for evaluation and analysis. The investigational finding is documented below. Investigation summary: acclarent received the returned package on 1/14/2020. The package was comprised of the following: relieva spin plus, guide catheters (s-0, f-70, and m-110). Before decontamination, the product and its components were visually inspected. The s-0 and m-100 guide catheters were observed without any damage. The f-70, the plastic distal portion frontal guide catheter was observed broken with a crack/fracture near the steel shaft; the break was not complete as it was still connected to the rest of the guide catheter. The returned device underwent a two-hour decontamination in a 10% bleach solution after the visual inspection. The lot history record (lhr) was reviewed for this lot (190627a-pc). There were no anomalies found related to this complaint. In addition, the lhr review verified that the device was manufactured in accordance with documented specification and procedures. The issue documented in the complaint that the frontal guide catheter tip was cracked when it was inserted into the patient? S nasal cavity was confirmed with the visual inspection performed on the returned device. Based on the device lot history record review, there is no indication that the event is related to the device manufacturing process. The exact cause of the reported issue could not be conclusively determined; however, it is possible that circumstances of the procedure and / or device manipulation / interaction may have contributed to the reported failure. As part of the post market surveillance program, information from this complaint is trended for statistical signals and corrective/preventive action may be triggered at a later time. Since there was no evidence to suggest the event was related to a manufacturing or design issue, no corrective actions will be taken at this time. Missing information from this report is identified as blank; this information was not provided in the reported event or available at the time of report submission. The manufacturer will submit a supplemental report if new facts arise which materially alter information submitted in a previous mdr report. Additional information will be submitted within 30 days of receipt.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10

[175850045] The healthcare professional reported that during a primary balloon sinuplasty (bsp) procedure on (b)(6) 2019, targeting the frontal, maxillary, and sphenoid sinuses, the frontal guide catheter tip on the 6mm 3 guides relieva spinplus kit (rsp0616mfs / 190627a-pc) cracked when it was inserted into the patient? S nasal cavity. It was reported that the tip cracked but did not become separated from the rest of the guide catheter. No pieces fell into or were left in the patient? S anatomy. The physician verified using the endoscope (stryker) and confirmed that there was no particle left in the patient. The device was replaced with another 6mm 3 guides relieva spinplus kit (rsp0616mfs), and the physician completed the procedure. There was no report of any patient adverse event or complication.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5

MAUDE Entry Details

Report Number3005172759-2019-00125
MDR Report Key9589485
Date Received2020-01-14
Date of Report2019-12-23
Date of Event2019-12-20
Date Mfgr Received2019-12-23
Device Manufacturer Date2019-06-27
Date Added to Maude2020-01-14
Event Key0
Report Source CodeManufacturer report
Manufacturer LinkY
Number of Patients in Event0
Adverse Event Flag3
Product Problem Flag3
Reprocessed and Reused Flag3
Health Professional3
Initial Report to FDA3
Report to FDA3
Event Location3
Manufacturer ContactMR. GABRIEL ALFAGEME
Manufacturer Street31 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE
Manufacturer CityIRVINE CA 92618
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal92618
Manufacturer Phone949789-868
Manufacturer G1ACCLARENT, INC.
Manufacturer Street33 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE
Manufacturer CityIRVINE CA 92618
Manufacturer CountryUS
Manufacturer Postal Code92618
Single Use3
Previous Use Code3
Event Type3
Type of Report3

Device Details

Product CodeLRC
Date Received2020-01-14
Returned To Mfg2020-01-14
Catalog NumberRSP0616MFS
Device AvailabilityR
Device Eval'ed by MfgrY
Device Sequence No1
Device Event Key0
ManufacturerACCLARENT, INC.
Manufacturer Address33 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE IRVINE CA 92618 US 92618


Patient NumberTreatmentOutcomeDate
10 2020-01-14

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