I participated in a study. The verichip was implanted in my right arm in 2007 at approx 5:00 pm at: walk in med care. When inserted, the process was very painful but subsided after a few hours. On that dr even joked that he forgot to test the implant first to see if it works before the insertion. I found this situation very strange. What if it didn't work? What then? Later on that evening, i felt sick with a possible low grade fever. In middle of night, i experienced discomfort in my right arm near insertion. Called clinic the next day and was relayed the message from dr to take 2 tylenols every 4 hrs and call him back on monday. I experienced pain as if the needle was still in my arm. This pain persisted thru the weekend. I called the clinic on monday and found out that dr only inserts the implant. By then, i wanted the implant removed from my arm. I received a phone call from dr, chief medical office and he possibly was concerned that the implant was improperly inserted into my arm, but wasn't sure. He told me then that nobody of the recipients of the implant wanted it removed and i was the first. I told him i found it hard to believe. He also explained that verichip corp does have any protocol in locating or removal of the implant as yet. They had no doctors trained to remove the implant, only insertion. The pain has been ongoing since the evening of that day - pinching sensation and throbbing on and off. I strongly believe the implant was incorrectly inserted or it has moved from the original insertion location on the top of my right arm to the lower part of my right arm almost near my arm pit. When the implant was removed, the surgeon had a difficult time removing the implant with the fluoroscopy machine because of the awkward position in the arm.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5