Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: N, H10
On (b)(6) 2020, the lay user/patient contacted lifescan (lfs) usa, alleging that her onetouch verioflex meter was reading inaccurately high compared to their feelings and/or normal readings. The complaint was classified based on information obtained from the customer service representative (csr) documentation. The patient reported that the alleged issue began around 10-11 a. M. , on an unspecified date approximately 3 months prior to contacted lfs. The patient manages their diabetes with a combination of oral medication (metformin, 100 mg twice daily) and insulin (sliding scale). The patient reported that prior to the alleged inaccuracy issue beginning, he developed symptoms of? Sweating, bottoming out? And that he? Felt like passing out?. The patient advised that in response to the symptoms he developed that he tested his blood glucose with the subject device and claimed obtaining a blood glucose result that was? Above 100 mg/dl? And that he felt this was inaccurately high in comparison to how he was feeling. The patient reported that approximately 15 minutes later, he tested with another device (onetouch ultra2), claimed obtaining a blood glucose result of? 40 mg/dl? And that his wife then treated him with a soda. The patient reported that following treatment, his blood glucose levels began to rise; however, no further blood glucose results were provided. At the time of troubleshooting, the csr confirmed that the unit of measure was set correctly at the time of testing and noted that the patient did not have control solution available in order to test the subject device. Replacement products were sent to the patient. This complaint is being reported because the patient reportedly developed signs suggestive of a serious injury adverse event whilst using the subject device and required treatment from a third party for an acute low blood glucose excursion. The alleged inaccuracy issue could not be ruled out as a cause and/or contributor to the event.
Patient Sequence No: 1, Text Type: D, B5