NDC 42961-021

Zee Pept-Eez

Bismuth Subsalicylate

Zee Pept-Eez is a Oral Tablet, Chewable in the Human Otc Drug category. It is labeled and distributed by Cintas Corp. The primary component is Bismuth Subsalicylate.

Product ID42961-021_e7d4cd0d-f7f9-4f9a-bcaa-e1896155c64e
Product TypeHuman Otc Drug
Proprietary NameZee Pept-Eez
Generic NameBismuth Subsalicylate
Dosage FormTablet, Chewable
Route of AdministrationORAL
Marketing Start Date2021-10-25
Marketing CategoryOTC MONOGRAPH FINAL /
Application Numberpart335
Labeler NameCintas Corp
Active Ingredient Strength262 mg/g
NDC Exclude FlagN
Listing Certified Through2022-12-31


NDC 42961-021-02

42 g in 1 BOX (42961-021-02)
Marketing Start Date2021-10-25
NDC Exclude FlagN
Sample Package?N

Drug Details

NDC Crossover Matching brand name "Zee Pept-Eez" or generic name "Bismuth Subsalicylate"

NDCBrand NameGeneric Name
0113-7469basic care stomach reliefBismuth subsalicylate
0904-1313BismatrolBismuth Subsalicylate
0904-1314BismatrolBismuth Subsalicylate
0536-4301Bismuth subsalicylateBismuth subsalicylate
0113-0302Good Sense Stomach ReliefBismuth subsalicylate
0113-0337Good Sense Stomach Reliefbismuth subsalicylate
0113-0469good sense stomach reliefBismuth subsalicylate
0322-2222Percy MedicineBismuth Subsalicylate
0121-4803Pink BismuthBismuth Subsalicylate
0536-1810PINK BISMUTHbismuth subsalicylate
0363-0025SootheBismuth subsalicylate
0363-0073SootheBismuth subsalicylate
0363-0346SootheBismuth Subsalicylate
0363-0371SootheBismuth subsalicylate
0363-0736SootheBismuth subsalicylate
0363-7240SootheBismuth subsalicylate
0363-7370SootheBismuth subsalicylate
0121-0910Stomach ReliefBismuth subsalicylate
0536-1286Stomach ReliefBismuth subsalicylate
0536-1287Stomach ReliefBismuth subsalicylate
0363-1302Ultra Strength digestive reliefBismuth subsalicylate
0363-9124WalgreenBismuth Subsalicylate
0363-9125WalgreenBismuth Subsalicylate

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