NDC 55239-554

Pharma-C-Wipes Toallitas de alcohol isopropilico 70

Isopropyl Alcohol

Pharma-C-Wipes Toallitas de alcohol isopropilico 70 is a Topical Cloth in the Human Otc Drug category. It is labeled and distributed by Kleen Test Products Corporation. The primary component is Isopropyl Alcohol.

Product ID55239-554_be358b80-15f6-052c-e053-2995a90a95da
Product TypeHuman Otc Drug
Proprietary NamePharma-C-Wipes Toallitas de alcohol isopropilico 70
Generic NameIsopropyl Alcohol
Dosage FormCloth
Route of AdministrationTOPICAL
Marketing Start Date2021-04-01
Application Numberpart333E
Labeler NameKleen Test Products Corporation
Active Ingredient Strength70 mL/100mL
NDC Exclude FlagN
Listing Certified Through2022-12-31


NDC 55239-554-00

40 PATCH in 1 CANISTER (55239-554-00) > 4.5 mL in 1 PATCH
Marketing Start Date2021-04-01
NDC Exclude FlagN
Sample Package?N

Drug Details

NDC Crossover Matching brand name "Pharma-C-Wipes Toallitas de alcohol isopropilico 70" or generic name "Isopropyl Alcohol"

NDCBrand NameGeneric Name
0363-081070%Isopropyl alcohol
0363-084570% RubbingIsopropyl Alcohol
0395-9103Ear Drops for SwimmersIsopropyl Alcohol
0065-9800HAND SANITIZERIsopropyl Alcohol
0395-1211HUMCO 1 Percent IodineIsopropyl Alcohol
0395-0098HUMCO Ear Drops for SwimmersIsopropyl Alcohol
0395-1249HUMCO Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70%Isopropyl Alcohol
0395-4202HUMCO Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70% Professional PackIsopropyl Alcohol
0168-0907Isopropyl AlcoholIsopropyl Alcohol
0363-0275Isopropyl alcoholIsopropyl alcohol
0363-0277Isopropyl alcoholIsopropyl alcohol
0363-0472Isopropyl alcoholIsopropyl alcohol
0363-0804Isopropyl AlcoholIsopropyl Alcohol
0395-1260Isopropyl Alcohol Antiseptic 75% Topical SolutionIsopropyl Alcohol
0363-0809Walgreen AlcoholIsopropyl Alcohol
0363-6505Walgreens 70% Isopropyl Alcohol WipesISOPROPYL ALCOHOL

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