NDC 68094-063

Megestrol Acetate

Megestrol Acetate

Megestrol Acetate is a Oral Suspension in the Human Prescription Drug category. It is labeled and distributed by Precision Dose Inc.. The primary component is Megestrol Acetate.

Product ID68094-063_dd5c7296-d590-438f-b528-68568b7cb1bd
Product TypeHuman Prescription Drug
Proprietary NameMegestrol Acetate
Generic NameMegestrol Acetate
Dosage FormSuspension
Route of AdministrationORAL
Marketing Start Date2022-07-11
Marketing CategoryANDA /
Application NumberANDA075671
Labeler NamePrecision Dose Inc.
Active Ingredient Strength40 mg/mL
Pharm ClassesProgesterone Congeners [CS], Progestin [EPC]
NDC Exclude FlagN
Listing Certified Through2023-12-31


NDC 68094-063-61

10 TRAY in 1 CASE (68094-063-61) > 10 CUP, UNIT-DOSE in 1 TRAY > 10 mL in 1 CUP, UNIT-DOSE (68094-063-59)
Marketing Start Date2022-07-11
NDC Exclude FlagN
Sample Package?N

Drug Details

NDC Crossover Matching brand name "Megestrol Acetate" or generic name "Megestrol Acetate"

NDCBrand NameGeneric Name
0054-3542Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
0054-4603Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
0054-4604Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
0121-0887Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
0121-0945Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
0121-4776Megestrol AcetateMEGESTROL ACETATE
0555-0606Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
0555-0607Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
0615-3570Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
0904-3571Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
0904-7072Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
0904-7236Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
17856-0060Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
17856-0907Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
24979-041Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
33358-903Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
49884-230Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
49884-289Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
49884-290Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
49884-907Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
68094-361Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
68094-250Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
50383-859Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
51079-434Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
51991-313Megestrol acetateMegestrol acetate
53808-0614Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
55154-5776Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
60432-126Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
60429-433Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
63629-7631Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
63739-165Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
63739-549Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate
66689-020Megestrol AcetateMegestrol Acetate

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