NDC 69452-322

nighttime sleep-aid

Diphenhydramine Hcl

nighttime sleep-aid is a Oral Capsule, Liquid Filled in the Human Otc Drug category. It is labeled and distributed by Bionpharma Inc.. The primary component is Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride.

Product ID69452-322_c0074c77-287f-6c26-e053-2995a90a4d31
Product TypeHuman Otc Drug
Proprietary Namenighttime sleep-aid
Generic NameDiphenhydramine Hcl
Dosage FormCapsule, Liquid Filled
Route of AdministrationORAL
Marketing Start Date2021-04-27
Marketing CategoryOTC MONOGRAPH FINAL /
Application Numberpart338
Labeler NameBionpharma Inc.
Active Ingredient Strength50 mg/1
NDC Exclude FlagN
Listing Certified Through2022-12-31


NDC 69452-322-79

160 CAPSULE, LIQUID FILLED in 1 BOTTLE (69452-322-79)
Marketing Start Date2021-04-27
NDC Exclude FlagN
Sample Package?N

Drug Details

NDC Crossover Matching brand name "nighttime sleep-aid" or generic name "Diphenhydramine Hcl"

NDCBrand NameGeneric Name
21130-004Nighttime Sleep-AidNighttime Sleep-Aid
37835-615Nighttime Sleep-aidNighttime Sleep-aid
37808-986Nighttime Sleep-AidNighttime Sleep-Aid
51013-104Nighttime Sleep-AidNighttime Sleep-Aid
53942-522Nighttime Sleep-AidNighttime Sleep-Aid
57896-785Nighttime Sleep-aidNighttime Sleep-aid
66715-6843Nighttime Sleep-AidNighttime Sleep-Aid
0113-7379basic care childrens allergy reliefDiphenhydramine HCl
0113-7186basic care nighttime sleep aidDiphenhydramine HCl
0113-7506basic care nighttime sleep aiddiphenhydramine hcl
0363-0481Childrens Allergy Dye-Free Wal DrylDiphenhydramine HCl
0113-0379good sense allergyDiphenhydramine HCl
0113-0052good sense sleep timeDiphenhydramine HCl
0113-0186Good Sense Sleep TimeDiphenhydramine HCl
0363-0353Itch Relief GelDiphenhydramine HCl
0363-0236Nighttime Sleep AidDiphenhydramine HCl
0363-0367Sleep AidDiphenhydramine HCl
0363-0189Sleep IIDiphenhydramine HCl
0363-0190Wal-DrylDiphenhydramine HCl
0363-0418Wal-DrylDiphenhydramine HCl
0363-0329WAL-DRYL ALLERGYDiphenhydramine HCl
0363-0020Wal-Sleep ZDiphenhydramine HCl

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