ANSI ASA S12.2-2008 (Revision of ANSI S12.2-1995) American National Standard Criteria for Evaluating Room Noise |
Recognition Date | 2012-03-16 |
Recognition List | 028 |
Recognition Number | 4-186 |
Extent | Complete standard |
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STG | Dental/ENT |
FDA Tech | Vasant Dasika FDA/OMPT/CDRH/ODE/DOED/ENTB/ 301-796-5365 |
This standard is relevant to medical devices and is recognized on its scientific and technical merit and/or because it supports existing regulatory policies.
This Standard provides three primary methods for evaluating room noise: a survey method, an engineering method, and a method for evaluating low-frequency fluctuating noise. Two methods for evaluating room noise-RC (room criterion) and NCB (balanced noise criterion) curves-were the basis of the previous ANSI S12.2-1995 standard, and RC is included briefly for informational purposes in Annex D. All of the methods assume that the measured noise is free of tones. (ANSI S1.13-2005 Annex A gives an accurate method for assessing the presence of prominent discrete tones using
narrow band analysis.)
The three primary methods are:
1. The survey method that employs the A-weighted sound level;
2. The engineering method that employs noise criteria (NC) curves; and
3. The method for evaluating low-frequency fluctuating noise using room noise criteria (RNC)
This Standard also contains one ancillary set of criteria curves for evaluating acoustically induced vibrations or rattles.
Requirements are given in the body of the Standard for determining whether a:
1. Measured or estimated A-weighted sound level satisfies a specified noise criterion.
2. Set of octave-band sound pressure levels satisfies a specified noise criterion (NC) curve.
3. Time-series of octave-band sound pressure levels satisfies a specified room noise criterion (RNC) curve.
4. Table of octave-band sound pressure levels that, when modulated by fluctuations at low frequencies, may cause perceptible vibrations or rattles in lightweight constructions.
Regulation Number | Device Name | Device Class | Product Code |
§874.3950 | Hearing Aid, Air Conduction, Transcutaneous System | Class 2 | NIX |
§874.3400 | Masker, Tinnitus | Class 2 | KLW |
§874.3300 | Hearing Aid, Air Conduction | Class 1 | ESD |
§874.3300 | Hearing Aid, Bone Conduction | Class 2 | LXB |
§874.3300 | Hearing Aid, Bone Conduction, Implanted | Class 2 | MAH |
§874.1090 | Tester, Auditory Impedance | Class 2 | ETY |
§874.1090 | Tympanometer | Class 2 | NAS |
§874.1080 | Set, Audiometer Calibration | Class 1 | EWA |
§874.1050 | Audiometer | Class 2 | EWO |
Unclassified | Implant, Auditory Brainstem | Class 3 | MHE |
Unclassified | Implant, Cochlear | Class 3 | MCM |
Unclassified | Implant, Hearing, Active, Middle Ear, Partially Implanted | Class 3 | MPV |
§874.3950 | Hearing Aid, Air Conduction, Transcutaneous System | Class 2 | NIX |
Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Transcutaneous Air Conduction Hearing Aid System (TACHAS); Guidance for Industry and FDA. Document issued November 7, 2002 Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff Implantable Middle Ear Hearing Device Document issued on: August 1, 2003 Draft Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Tinnitus Masker Devices. Documenet issued on November 8, 2005 Guidance for Industry - Noise Claims in Hearing Air Labeling Document issued on: October 21, 1998 |