ISO 8600-3 First edition 1997-07-01 (Amendment 1 2003-12-01

Standard Organization:

ISO 8600-3 First edition 1997-07-01 (Amendment 1 2003-12-01
Optics and Optical instruments - Medical endoscopes and endoscopic accessories - Part 3: Determination of field of view and direction of view of endoscopes with optics [Including: Amendment 1 (2003)]

Recognition Date2014-01-30
Recognition List034
Recognition Number9-84
Extent Complete standard
Standards Orgs ISO International Organization for Standardization
STG ObGyn/Gastroenterology/Urology
FDA Tech  Quanzeng Wang   FDA/OMPT/CDRH/OSEL/DBP/   301-796-2612


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This part of ISO 8600 specifies requirements and recommends test methods for measuring the field of view and direction of view of endoscopes.

Code of Federal Regulations:

Regulation Number Device Name Device Class Product Code
§884.1720 Laparoscope, Gynecologic (And Accessories) Class 2 HET
§884.1690 Hysteroscope (And Accessories) Class 2 HIH
§884.1640 Culdoscope (And Accessories) Class 2 HEW
§884.1630 Colposcope (And Colpomicroscope) Class 2 HEX
§884.1630 Vaginoscope And Accessories Class 2 MOK
§876.1500 Angioscope Class 2 LYK
§876.1500 Anoscope And Accessories Class 2 FER
§876.1500 Choledochoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid Class 2 FBN
§876.1500 Colonoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid Class 2 FDF
§876.1500 Cystoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid Class 2 FAJ
§876.1500 Cystourethroscope Class 2 FBO
§876.1500 Duodenoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid Class 2 FDT
§876.1500 Endoscope, Flexible Class 2 GCQ
§876.1500 Endoscope, Rigid Class 2 GCM
§876.1500 Enteroscope And Accessories Class 2 FDA
§876.1500 Kit, Nephroscope Class 2 FGA
§876.1500 Laparoscope, General & Plastic Surgery Class 2 GCJ
§876.1500 Resectoscope Class 2 FJL
§876.1500 Sigmoidoscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid Class 2 FAM
§876.1500 Sigmoidoscope, Rigid, Electrical Class 2 FAN
§876.1500 Telescope, Rigid, Endoscopic Class 2 FBP
§876.1500 Ureteroscope And Accessories, Flexible/Rigid Class 2 FGB
§876.1500 Urethroscope Class 2 FGC
§884.1690 Falloposcope Class 2 MKO

FDA Guidance:

Hysteroscopes and Gynecologic Laparoscopes: Submission Guidance for a 510(k), Issued March 1996.

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