ISO 27185 First edition 2012-02-15 Cardiac Rhythm Management Devices - Symbols to be Used With Cardiac Rhythm Management Device Labels, and Information to be Supplied - General Requirements |
Recognition Date | 2016-06-15 |
Recognition List | 042 |
Recognition Number | 3-132 |
Extent | Complete standard |
Standards Orgs | ISO International Organization for Standardization |
STG | Cardiovascular |
FDA Tech | Robert T. Kazmierski FDA/OMPT/CDRH/ODE/DCD/IEDB/ 301-796-5447 |
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ISO 27185:2011 specifies requirements for the use of symbols conveying information on the safe and effective use of cardiac rhythm management medical devices. A listing is given of existing symbols that comply with the requirements of ISO 27185:2011.
ISO 27185:2011 is applicable to, and limited to, symbols for cardiac rhythm management medical devices that can be marketed globally. These symbols can be used on the devices themselves or their labelling.
Regulation Number | Device Name | Device Class | Product Code |
Unclassified | Defibrillator, Automatic Implantable Cardioverter, With Cardiac Resynchronization (Crt-D) | Class 3 | NIK |
Unclassified | Defibrillator, Implantable, Dual-Chamber | Class 3 | MRM |
Unclassified | Drug Eluting Permanent Left Ventricular (Lv) Pacemaker Electrode | Class 3 | OJX |
Unclassified | Drug Eluting Permanent Right Ventricular (Rv) Or Right Atrial (Ra) Pacemaker Electrodes | Class 3 | NVN |
Unclassified | Pacemaker/Icd/Crt Non-Implanted Components | Class 3 | OSR |
Unclassified | Permanent Defibrillator Electrodes | Class 3 | NVY |
Unclassified | Pulse Generator, Pacemaker, Implantable, With Cardiac Resynchronization (Crt-P) | Class 3 | NKE |
Unclassified | Pulse Generator, Permanent, Implantable | Class 3 | NVZ |
Unclassified | System, Pacing, Temporary, Acute, Internal Atrial Defibrillation | Class 3 | MTE |
Unclassified | Wearable Automated External Defibrillator | Class 3 | MVK |
§870.5310 | Automated External Defibrillators (Non-Wearable) | Class 3 | MKJ |
§870.5310 | Over-The-Counter Automated External Defibrillator | Class 3 | NSA |
§870.3720 | Tester, Pacemaker Electrode Function | Class 2 | DTA |
Unclassified | Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (Non-Crt) | Class 3 | LWS |
Unclassified | Implantable Pulse Generator, Pacemaker (Non-Crt) | Class 3 | LWP |
Unclassified | Pulse-Generator, Single Chamber, Sensor Driven, Implantable | Class 3 | LWO |
§870.3700 | Programmer, Pacemaker | Class 3 | KRG |
Unclassified | Device, Removal, Pacemaker Electrode, Percutaneous | Class 3 | MFA |
Unclassified | System, Esophageal Pacing | Class 3 | LPA |
§870.3680 | Electrode, Pacemaker, Temporary | Class 2 | LDF |
§870.3680 | Electrode, Pacing And Cardioversion, Temporary, Epicardial | Class 2 | NHW |
§870.3680 | Permanent Pacemaker Electrode | Class 3 | DTB |
§870.3630 | Analyzer, Pacemaker Generator Function | Class 2 | DTC |
§870.3620 | Pacemaker Lead Adaptor | Class 2 | DTD |
Unclassified | Pulse-Generator, Single Chamber, Single | Class 3 | LWW |
§870.3610 | Implantable Pacemaker Pulse-Generator | Class 3 | DXY |
§870.3600 | Pulse Generator, External Pacemaker, Dual Chamber | Class 2 | OVJ |
§870.3600 | Pulse-Generator, Pacemaker, External | Class 3 | DTE |
§870.1750 | Generator, Pulse, Pacemaker, External Programmable (For Electrophysiological Studies Only) | Class 2 | JOQ |
21 CFR 801 Labeling, medical devices, reporting and recordkeeping requirements. | |||
21 CFR 809 Labeling, medical devices. |
No relevant guidance developed at this time. |