This page includes the latest FDA filings for Alere San Diego Inc. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 2020952 |
FEI Number | 2020952 |
Name | Alere San Diego Inc. |
Owner & Operator | Abbott |
Contact Address | 100 Abbott Park Building J49 Abbott Park IL 60064 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 829 Towne Center Drive Pomona, CA 91767 US |
Establishment Type |
Registration Number | 2027969 |
FEI Number | 1000125596 |
Name | Alere San Diego, Inc. |
Owner & Operator | Abbott |
Contact Address | 100 Abbott Park Building J49 Abbott Park IL 60064 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 9975 SUMMERS RIDGE RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 US |
Establishment Type |
Device Company | Device | Date |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4561199002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4561189002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4561179002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4561109002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4561089002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4561069002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4561059002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4561029002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4561019002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4560979002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4560579002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4560569002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Strip 4560559002 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel 4566631326 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel 4566621326 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel 4566611326 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel 4566601326 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel 4566591326 | 2024-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split 4565151326 | 2024-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split 4566581326 | 2024-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split 4566571326 | 2024-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split 4566561326 | 2024-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split 4566551326 | 2024-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split 4565161326 | 2024-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566449019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566439019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566429019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566419019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566409019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566399019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566389019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566379019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566369019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566359019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566349019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566339019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4566329019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4565369019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4565359019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4565349019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test E-Z Split Key™ Drug Screen Cup 4565339019 | 2024-09-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Clearview® | 2024-06-13 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 10228MR | 2023-12-28 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 97991 | 2023-12-28 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 97990 | 2023-12-28 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 97989 | 2023-12-28 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 97988 | 2023-12-28 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 97987 | 2023-12-28 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 97986 | 2023-12-28 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 14874MR | 2023-12-28 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 14874 | 2023-12-28 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 88773MR | 2023-12-26 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 88770MR | 2023-12-26 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Cholestech LDX™ 88769MR | 2023-12-26 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Drug Test Cassette | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM THC One Step Marijuana Test Strip | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM OPI One Step Opiate Test Strip | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM mAMP One Step Methamphetamine Test Strip | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM mAMP One Step Methamphetamine Test Strip | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM COC One Step Cocaine Test Strip | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM COC One Step Cocaine Test Strip | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM BZO One Step Benzodiazepines Test Strip | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM BAR One Step Barbiturates Test Strip | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM AMP One Step Amphetamine Test Strip | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | CERTUM AMP One Step Amphetamine Test Strip | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Drug Test Cassette | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Cassette, Opiate (MOP 300) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Drug Test Cassette | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Cassette, Cotinine (COT 200) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Drug Test Cassette | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Cassette, Benzodiazepines (BZO 300) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Cassette, Barbiturates (BAR 300) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStep™ Urine Test Drug Screen Cassette, Amphetamine (AMP 1000) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Drug Test Cassette | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Phencyclidine (PCP 25) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Oxycodone (OXY 100) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Opiate (OPI 2000) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Methamphetamine (MET 1000) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Cocaine (COC 300) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Marijuana (THC 50) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA 1000) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Methadone (MTD 300) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Opiate (MOP 300) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA 500 | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Methamphetamine (MET 500) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Cocaine (COC 150) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Benzodiazepines (BZO 300) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Buprenorphine (BUP10) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Barbiturates (BAR 300) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Amphetamine (AMP 1000) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | SureStepTM Urine Test Drug Screen Strip, Amphetamine (AMP 300) | 2023-12-25 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Signify® | 2023-10-27 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Alere Cholestech LDX® 99021 | 2023-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Alere Cholestech LDX® 10-991 | 2023-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Alere Cholestech LDX® 10-990 | 2023-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Alere Cholestech LDX® 10-989 | 2023-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Alere Cholestech LDX® 10-988 | 2023-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Alere Cholestech LDX® 10-987 | 2023-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Alere Cholestech LDX® 10-986 | 2023-10-18 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. | Alere Cholestech LDX® 10228 | 2023-10-18 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis SEFRIA PCP Oral Fluid Enzyme Immunoassay | 2020-03-31 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Meprobamate Test System | 2020-03-17 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | eCUP + Drug Screening Device | 2020-03-03 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis SEFRIA Oxycodone Oral Fluid Enzyme Immunoassay | 2020-03-03 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis SEFRIA Opiates Oral Fluid Enzyme Immunoassay | 2020-03-03 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | eCup Drugs of Abuse Screening Device | 2020-03-03 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | eCUP + Drug Screening Device | 2020-03-03 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis SEFRIA Methamphetamine Oral Fluid Enzyme Immunoassay | 2020-03-03 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Carisoprodol Urine Control Set | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Fentanyl Urine Controls | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Ethyl Glucuronide Urine Controls | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Carisoprodol Urine Calibrator Level 4 | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Carisoprodol Urine Calibrator Level 3 | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Carisoprodol Urine Calibrator Level 2 | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Carisoprodol Urine Calibrator Level 1 | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Ethyl Glucuronide Urine Calibrators | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Negative Reference Calibrator | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Negative Calibrator | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-Drug Calibrators | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Synthetic Negative Oral Fluid 500 mL | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Synthetic Negative Oral Fluid 100 mL | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Multi-Drug OF Calibrator Level 4 | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Multi-Drug OF Calibrator Level 3 | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Multi-Drug OF Calibrator Level 2 | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Multi-Drug OF Calibrator Level 1 | 2019-12-26 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Carisoprodol Urine HEIA | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Cotinine Direct ELISA Kit | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Ethyl Alcohol Calibrators | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Ethyl Alcohol Controls | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | TDDA Drugs of Abuse Cup | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Cup | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Cassette | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Card II | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oratect? III Oral Fluid Drug Screen Device | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Microscreen Drug Screen Cup | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | MicroTox Drug Screen Cassette | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Cocaine/Benzoylecgonine HEIA (Oral Fluid) | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Cocaine/Benzoylecgonine Direct ELISA Kit | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Cocaine Metabolite Direct ELISA Kit | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Salicylates Direct ELISA Kit | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Synthetic Negative Saliva | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oral Fluid PM Multi-Analyte Calibrator and Control Set | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oral Fluid Multi-Analyte Calibrator and Control Set | 2019-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-Drug Control Set | 2019-12-18 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Multi-Drug OF Control Set | 2019-12-18 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Ethyl Alcohol Enzyme Assay | 2019-04-04 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | SEFRIA Fentanyl Urine Enzyme Immunoassay | 2017-10-20 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Fentanyl Urine Calibrator | 2017-10-20 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | SEFRIA Fentanyl Urine Enzyme Immunoassay | 2017-10-20 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Fentanyl Urine Calibrator | 2017-10-20 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Quantisal | 2017-01-24 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Barbiturates Urine HEIA | 2016-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Barbiturates Urine HEIA | 2016-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Methamphetamine Urine HEIA | 2016-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Methamphetamine Urine HEIA | 2016-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Benzodiazepines Urine HEIA | 2016-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Benzodiazepines Urine HEIA | 2016-12-19 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Quantisal | 2016-11-17 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile | 2016-07-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile GLU | 2016-07-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile GLU | 2016-07-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile | 2016-06-23 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile GLU | 2016-06-23 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile | 2016-06-23 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile GLU | 2016-06-23 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Medline H. Pylori Test Cassette-Whole Blood | 2016-03-23 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Medline H. Pylori Test Cassette-Whole Blood, Serum, Plasma | 2016-03-23 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | McKesson Consult H. pylori Tests Cassette for Whole Blood, Serum and Plasma | 2016-03-23 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Clearview H. pylori for Whole Blood, Serum and Plasma | 2016-03-23 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Signify H. pylori Rapid Test for Whole Blood, Serum, Plasma | 2016-03-23 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Zolpidem Controls | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis UR-144 Pentanoic Acid Controls | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Tapentadol Controls | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Meperidine Controls | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Ketamine Controls | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis JWH-018 Pentanoic Acid Controls | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Fentanyl Controls | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Ethyl Glucuronide Urine Calibrator Sets | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Carisoprodol Controls | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Ethyl Glucuronide Calibrators | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Ethyl Glucuronide Urine HEIA | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Zolpidem Calibrators | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis UR-144 Pentanoic Acid Calibrators | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Tapentadol Calibrators | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Meperidine Calibrators | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Ketamine Calibrators | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis JWH-018 Pentanoic Acid Calibrators | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Fentanyl Calibrators | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Ethyl Glucuronide Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Carisoprodol Calibrators | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis AB-PINACA Calibrators | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Immunalysis Ethyl Glucuronide Controls | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oral Fluid PM Multi-Analyte Calibrator and Control Set | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oral Fluid Multi-Analyte Calibrator and Control Set | 2015-12-16 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | PCP Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | PCP Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | EDDP Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | EDDP Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | EDDP Specific Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | EDDP Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | EDDP Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | EDDP Specific Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | EDDP Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | EDDP Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | EDDP Specific Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | cTHC Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | cTHC Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Cannabinoids Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | cTHC Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | cTHC Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Cannabinoids Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | cTHC Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | cTHC Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Cannabinoids Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Benzoylecgonine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Benzoylecgonine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Benzoylecgonine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | 6-Acetylmorphine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | 6-Acetylmorphine Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | 6-Acetylmorphine Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | 6-Acetylmorphine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | 6-Acetylmorphine Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | 6-Acetylmorphine Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | 6-Acetylmorphine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | 6-Acetylmorphine Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | 6-Acetylmorphine Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Opiates Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Opiates Urine Calibrators 2000 | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Opiates Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Opiates Urine Calibrators 2000 | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Opiates Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Opiates Urine Calibrators 2000 | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Amphetamine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Amphetamine Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Amphetamine Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Amphetamine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Amphetamine Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Amphetamine Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Amphetamine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Amphetamine Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Amphetamine Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tramadol Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tramadol Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tramadol Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tramadol Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tramadol Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tramadol Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tramadol Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tramadol Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tramadol Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Buprenorphine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Buprenorphine Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Buprenorphine Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Buprenorphine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Buprenorphine Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Buprenorphine Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Buprenorphine Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Buprenorphine Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Buprenorphine Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oxycodone Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oxycodone Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oxycodone Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oxycodone Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oxycodone Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oxycodone Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oxycodone Urine HEIA | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oxycodone Urine Controls | 2015-12-15 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oxycodone Urine Calibrators | 2015-12-15 |
ALERE SAN DIEGO, INCORPORATED | Alere Signify H. Pylori Whole Blood, Serum, Plasma; Alere Signify H. Pylori Whole Blood Only;Alere Clearview H. Pylori Whole Blood, Serum, Plasma; Alere Clearview H. Pylori Whole Blood Only | 2015-08-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / HDL | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / HDL / GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Analyzer | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholectech LDX Lipid Profile GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / HDL | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / HDL / GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Analyzer | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholectech LDX Lipid Profile GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / HDL | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / HDL / GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Analyzer | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholectech LDX Lipid Profile GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / HDL | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / HDL / GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Analyzer | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholectech LDX Lipid Profile GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / HDL | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / HDL / GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX TC / GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Lipid Profile | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech LDX Analyzer | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholectech LDX Lipid Profile GLU | 2013-05-20 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tricyclic Antidepressants Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Urine HEIA | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | TDDA Drugs of Abuse Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Synthetic Cannabinoids-3 (AB-PINACA Compounds) | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | STHC (THC Oral Fluid) Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Cassette | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Card II | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oratect? III Oral Fluid Drug Screen Device | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Microscreen Drug Screen Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | MicroTox Drug Screen Cassette | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | K2 (Synthetic Cannabionoids-1) Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | K2 (Synthetic Cannabinoids-2) Urine HEIA | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | K2 (Synthetic Cannabinoids-1) Urine HEIA | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Cannabinoids (THCA/cTHC) Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Ketamine Urine HEIA | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Ketamine Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Methamphetamine Oral Fluid Enzyme Immunoassay | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Methamphetamine Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Zolpidem Urine HEIA | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Zolpidem Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | TDDA Drugs of Abuse Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Cassette | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Card II | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oratect? III Oral Fluid Drug Screen Device | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Microscreen Drug Screen Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | MicroTox Drug Screen Cassette | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Benzodiazepines Oral Fluid Enzyme Immunoassay | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Benzodiazepines Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | TDDA Drugs of Abuse Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Cassette | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Card II | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oratect? III Oral Fluid Drug Screen Device | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Microscreen Drug Screen Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | MicroTox Drug Screen Cassette | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Amphetamine Oral Fluid Enzyme Immunoassay | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Amphetamine Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | MicroTox Drug Screen Cassette | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Methadone Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tramadol Oral Fluid HEIA | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tramadol Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Tapentadol Urine HEIA | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | TDDA Drugs of Abuse Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | ProScreen Drugs of Abuse Cassette | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oxycodone/Oxymorphone Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Oratect? III Oral Fluid Drug Screen Device | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Opiates Oral Fluid Enzyme Immunoassay | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Opiates Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Morphine Specific Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Microscreen Drug Screen Cup | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | MicroTox Drug Screen Cassette | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Meperidine Urine HEIA | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Fentanyl Enzyme Immunoassay | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Fentanyl Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Buprenorphine Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | MicroTox Drug Screen Cassette | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego Inc. [Abbott] | Barbiturates Direct ELISA Kit | 2012-04-30 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest COT One Step Cotinine Test Device in Urine | 2012-03-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest COT One Step Cotinine Test Device in Urine | 2012-03-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | COT One Step Cotinine Urine Test Device in Urine | 2012-03-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen OFD Cotinine Test Device | 2012-03-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech Multianalyte Controls | 2011-01-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech Multianalyte Controls (250ul) | 2011-01-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Cholestech Calibration Verification | 2011-01-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | ACB Assay Verification Set | 2009-01-06 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Medline hCG Combo Pregnancy Test Cassette | 2008-12-03 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | McKesson CONSULT Diagnostics hCG Urine Cassette | 2008-12-03 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Fisher Scientific Sure-Vue hCG-STAT Rapid Test in Serum or Urine | 2008-12-03 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Cardinal Health hCG Combo Rapid Test Serum or Urine | 2008-12-03 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere hCG Combo Cassette (20/10 mIU/mL) for Urine or Serum | 2008-12-03 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere hCG Cassette (20 mIU/mL) in Urine | 2008-12-03 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Pro Advantage by NDC Urine Pregnancy Test Strip | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Moore Medical hCG Urine Dipstick | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Medline hCG Pregnancy Test Strip | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Fisher Scientific Sure-Vue Urine hCG Strip | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Cardinal Health hCG Dipstick Rapid Test CLIA Waived | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CONSULT Diagnostics hCG Dipstick for Urine | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere hCG Dipstick (25mIU/mL) in Urine | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Pro Advantage by NDC Urine/Serum Pregnancy Cassette Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Moore Medical hCG Serum/Urine Cassette | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Fisher Scientific Sure-Vue Serum/Urine hCG | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Beckman Coulter Inc's ICON 25 hCG | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Beckman Coulter ICON 25 hCG Immunochemical Test for hCG in Urine (CLIA Waived) and Serum | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere hCG Combo Cassette (25mIU/mL) in Urine (CLIA Waived) or Serum | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | eScreen mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK Premium Instant Urine Test Cup for Multi Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK One-Step Drug Screen Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Single and Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Screen test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen CUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Jant Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test for Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card (including SVT Tests) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Toxicology Series TOX Screen Drugs of Abuse Test Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | eScreen mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK Premium Instant Urine Test Cup for Multi Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK One-Step Drug Screen Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Single and Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Screen test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen CUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Jant Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test for Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card (including SVT Tests) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Toxicology Series TOX Screen Drugs of Abuse Test Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | eScreen mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK Premium Instant Urine Test Cup for Multi Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK One-Step Drug Screen Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Single and Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Screen test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen CUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Jant Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test for Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card (including SVT Tests) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Toxicology Series TOX Screen Drugs of Abuse Test Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | eScreen mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK Premium Instant Urine Test Cup for Multi Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK One-Step Drug Screen Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Single and Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Screen test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen CUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Jant Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test for Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card (including SVT Tests) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Toxicology Series TOX Screen Drugs of Abuse Test Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | eScreen mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK Premium Instant Urine Test Cup for Multi Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK One-Step Drug Screen Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Single and Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Screen test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen CUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Jant Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test for Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card (including SVT Tests) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Toxicology Series TOX Screen Drugs of Abuse Test Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | eScreen mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK Premium Instant Urine Test Cup for Multi Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK One-Step Drug Screen Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Single and Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Screen test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen CUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Jant Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test for Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card (including SVT Tests) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Toxicology Series TOX Screen Drugs of Abuse Test Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | eScreen mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK Premium Instant Urine Test Cup for Multi Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK One-Step Drug Screen Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Single and Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Screen test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen CUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Jant Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test for Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card (including SVT Tests) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Toxicology Series TOX Screen Drugs of Abuse Test Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | eScreen mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK Premium Instant Urine Test Cup for Multi Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK One-Step Drug Screen Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Single and Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Screen test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen CUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Jant Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test for Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card (including SVT Tests) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Toxicology Series TOX Screen Drugs of Abuse Test Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | eScreen mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK Premium Instant Urine Test Cup for Multi Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK One-Step Drug Screen Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Single and Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Screen test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen CUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Jant Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test for Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card (including SVT Tests) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Toxicology Series TOX Screen Drugs of Abuse Test Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | eScreen mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK Premium Instant Urine Test Cup for Multi Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK One-Step Drug Screen Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Single and Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Screen test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen CUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Jant Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test for Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card (including SVT Tests) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Toxicology Series TOX Screen Drugs of Abuse Test Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | eScreen mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK Premium Instant Urine Test Cup for Multi Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Wolfe Reality CHECK One-Step Drug Screen Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Single and Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Screen test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen CUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Jant Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Screen Test with Integrated iCUP/iCUP A.D. | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Drug Screen Test Card for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key CUP II for Multi-Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Line Drug Screen EZ Split | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM One Step Multi-Drug Screen Panel | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test for Multiple Drugs | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card (including SVT Tests) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Toxicology Series TOX Screen Drugs of Abuse Test Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest BUP One Step Buprenorpine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal BUP One Step Buprenorpine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-BUP | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | BUP One Step Buprenorphine Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | BUP One Step Buprenorphine Single Drug test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX BUP One Step Buprenorpine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | ESCREEN mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | ESCREEN mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | ESCREEN mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | ESCREEN mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | ESCREEN mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Noble Medical Split-Specimen Cup | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | ESCREEN mCUP Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup II | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest OXY One Step Oxycodone Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Oxycodone One Step Oxycodone Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | OXY One Step Oxycodone Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-OXY for Urine | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card including SVT Tests | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen Test Device for Oxycodone (OXY) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX OXY One Step Oxycodone Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM AMP One Step Amphetamine Test Strip | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | AMP 300 One Step Amphetamine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Signify ER Drug Screen Test | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-CLIN Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest MultiDrug ER II Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette DX Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Signify ER Drug Screen Test | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-CLIN Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest MultiDrug ER II Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette DX Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Signify ER Drug Screen Test | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-CLIN Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest MultiDrug ER II Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette DX Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Signify ER Drug Screen Test | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-CLIN Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest MultiDrug ER II Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette DX Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Signify ER Drug Screen Test | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-CLIN Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest MultiDrug ER II Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette DX Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Signify ER Drug Screen Test | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-CLIN Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest MultiDrug ER II Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette DX Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Signify ER Drug Screen Test | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-CLIN Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest MultiDrug ER II Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette DX Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Signify ER Drug Screen Test | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-CLIN Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest MultiDrug ER II Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette DX Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Signify ER Drug Screen Test | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-CLIN Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest MultiDrug ER II Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette DX Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Signify ER Drug Screen Test | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Multi-CLIN Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest MultiDrug ER II Drug Screen Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette DX Drug Screen | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest mAMP 500 One Step Methamphetamine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM mAMP One Step Methamphetamine Test Strip | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | COC150 One Step Cocaine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM COC One Step Cocaine Test Strip | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest MDMA One Step Ectasy Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | MDMA One Step Ectasy Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-MDMA | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen for MDMA | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX MDMA One Step Ectasy Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest MOP One Step Opiate Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | MOP One Step Opiate Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | MOP One Step Opiate Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-OPI | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card including SVT Tests | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX MOP One Step Opiate Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest MOP One Step Opiate Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | MOP One Step Opiate Test Device | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | MOP One Step Opiate Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-OPI | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card including SVT Tests | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX MOP One Step Opiate Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2008-11-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Triage DOA Panel | 2008-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Triage DOA Panel | 2008-05-20 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | JANT Pharmacal Accutest One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX One Step Multi-Drug Multi-Line Screen Test Device | 2007-11-12 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Pro Advabntage by NDC Urine Pregnancy Cassette Device | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Moore Medical hCG Urine-Cassette | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Medline hCG Pregnancy Test Cassette | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Fisher Scientific Sure-Vue Urine hCG | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Cardinal Health hCG Cassette Rapid test CLIA Waived | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere hCG Cassette (25mIU/mL) in Urine | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Stanbio Laboratory RELY Mono Rapid Test for Whole Blood, Serum or Plasma | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Pro Advantage by NDC Infectious Mononucleosis Test Device (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Clearview MONO Whole Blood | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Cardinal Health MONO Rapid Test for Whole Blood, Serum and Plasma | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Signify MONO-Whole Blood | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Signify MONO-Whole Blood, Serum, Plasma | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Acceava MONO II Whole Blood | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Stanbio RELY H. pylori Rapid Test for Whole Blood, Serum or Plasma | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Pro Advantage by NDC H. pylori Test Device (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Fisher Scientific Sure-Vue H. pylori Test (Whole Bllod/Serum/Plasma) | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Cardinal Health H. pylori Rapid Test for Whole Blood | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Cardinal Health H. pylori Rapid Test for Whole Blood, Serum and Plasma | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Stanbio QuStick Strep A Rapid Test Strip for Throat Swab Specimens | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Pro Advantage by NDC Strep A Test-Throat Swab | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Moore Medical Strep A Rapid Test Dipstick for Throat Swab Specimens | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Medline Strep A Dipstick | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | McKesson CONSULT Diagnostics Strep A Dipstick | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Immunostics iDetector Strep A for Throat Swab Specimens | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Fisher Scientific Sure-Vue Strep A Test for Throat Swab Specimens | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Clearview Strep A Exact II Dipstick for Throat Swab Specimens | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Cardinal Health Strep A Dipstick Rapid Test | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Signify Strep A Dipstick | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Acceava Step A Rapid Test for Throat Swab Specimens | 2007-07-09 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | PPX One Step Propoxyphene Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-PPX for Urine | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX PPX One Step Propoxyphene Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TCA One Step Tricyclic Antidepressants Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest TCA One Step Tricyclic Antidepressants Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-TCA | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drug of Abuse Test Card including SVT Tests | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest BAR One Step Barbiturates Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM BAR One Step Barbiturates Test Strip | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen test -BAR | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | BAR One Step Barbiturates Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX BAR One Step Barbiturates Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest MTD One Step Methadone Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | MTD One Step Methadone Test Device | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | MTD One Step Methadone Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Tests -MTD | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card including SVT Tests | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX MTD One Step Methadone Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest BZO One Step Benzodiazepines Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM BZO One Step Benzodiazepines Test Strip | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-BZO | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | BZO One Step Benzodiazepines Test Device | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | BZO One Step Benzodiazepines Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card including SVT Tests | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen for Benzodiazepines (BZO) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX BZO One Step Benzodiazepimes Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest PCP One Step Phencyclidine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | PCP One Step Phencyclidine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-PCP in Urine | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX PCP One Step Phencyclidine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | VICE | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest AMP One Step Amphetamine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM AMP One Step Amphetamine Test Strip | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | BIO-RAD TOX/See Drug Screen Test-AMP | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iscreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card including SVT Tests | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen for Amphetamine (AMP) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | AMP One Step Amphetamine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | ACON AMP ONE STEP AMPHETAMINE TEST | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX AMP One Step Amphetamine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | mAMP One Step Methamphetamine Test Device | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | mAMP One Step Methamphetamine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest mAMP One Step Methamphetamine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM mAMP One Step Methamphetamine Test Strip | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-MET | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card including SVT Tests | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | ACON MAMP ONE STEP METHAMPHETAMINE | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX mAMP One Step Methamphetamine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | OPI One Step Opiate Test Device | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | OPI One Step Opiate Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM OPI One Step Opiate Test Strip | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test Card including SVT Tests | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen Test Device for Opiates (OPI) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | ACON OPI ONE STEP OPIATES TEST STRI | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX OPI One Step Opiate Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest COC One Step Cocaine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | COC One Step Cocaine Test Device | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | COC One Step Cocaine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM COC One Step Cocaine Test Strip | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-COC | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test card including SVT Tests | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen Test Device for Cocaine (COC) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX COC One Step Cocaine Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | THC One Step Marijuana Test Device | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | THC One Step Marijuana Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Redwood Toxicology Reditest THC One Step Marijuana Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | CERTUM THC One Step Marijuana Test Strip | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Bio-Rad TOX/See Drug Screen Test-THC for Urine | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iScreen Drugs of Abuse Test card including SVT Tests | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere iCassette Drug Screen Test Device for Marijuana (THC) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | 1 Step Detects DTX THC One Step Marijuana Single Drug Test (Urine) | 2006-04-19 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE (R) DRUGS O | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage Panel for Drugs of Abuse Plus TCA | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage 8 Panel for Drugs of Abuse | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE (R) DRUGS O | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage Panel for Drugs of Abuse Plus TCA | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage 8 Panel for Drugs of Abuse | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE (R) DRUGS O | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage Panel for Drugs of Abuse Plus TCA | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage 8 Panel for Drugs of Abuse | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE (R) DRUGS O | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage Panel for Drugs of Abuse Plus TCA | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage 8 Panel for Drugs of Abuse | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE (R) DRUGS O | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage Panel for Drugs of Abuse Plus TCA | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage 8 Panel for Drugs of Abuse | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE (R) DRUGS O | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage Panel for Drugs of Abuse Plus TCA | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage 8 Panel for Drugs of Abuse | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE (R) DRUGS O | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage Panel for Drugs of Abuse Plus TCA | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage 8 Panel for Drugs of Abuse | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE (R) DRUGS O | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage Panel for Drugs of Abuse Plus TCA | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | Alere Triage 8 Panel for Drugs of Abuse | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE DRUGS OF ABUSE | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE DRUGS OF ABUSE | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE DRUGS OF ABUSE | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE DRUGS OF ABUSE | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE DRUGS OF ABUSE | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE DRUGS OF ABUSE | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE DRUGS OF ABUSE | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE DRUGS OF ABUSE | 2005-08-05 |
Alere San Diego, Inc. [Abbott] | TRIAGE DRUGS OF ABUSE | 2005-08-05 |
S.A.M. Registration | 6W6P3 [2804244] | ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC IMMUNALYSIS |
SEC | 0000834306 | ALERE SAN DIEGO, INC. of DELAWARE |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020052126929 | Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> Long Beach, California | 1 PLT (17 CTNS) | 17 CTN |
2019061349823 | Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> Long Beach, California | POWER SUPPLY | 25 CTN |
2019060651095 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Los Angeles, California | MOLECULAR SIEVE DESICCANT | 4 PKG |
2019052129190 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | MOLECULAR SIEVE DESICCANT | 4 PKG |
2019051429993 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | MOLECULAR SIEVE DESICCANT | 4 PKG |
2019040839647 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Los Angeles, California | MOLECULAR SIEVE DESICCANT | 4 PKG |
2019022542685 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Los Angeles, California | MOLECULAR SIEVE DESICCANT | 4 PKG |
2019021540687 | Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> Los Angeles, California | 100 POLYESTER WOVEN CASE | 100 CTN |