Boston Scientific I N T B V European Dist Ctr

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Boston Scientific I N T B V European Dist Ctr. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3005111382
FEI Number3005111382
NameBoston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr.
Owner & OperatorBoston Scientific Corporation
Contact Address300 Boston Scientific Way
Marlborough MA 01752 US
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration AddressVERSTASTRAAT 6
KERKRADE Limburg, 6468 EX NL
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

FDA Filings

Boston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr. [Boston Scientific Corporation]
WALLSTENT RP Endoprosthesis Self-Expanding Stent2008-01-22
Boston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr. [Boston Scientific Corporation]
WALLSTENT Endoprosthesis Self-Expanding Stent2008-01-22
Boston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr. [Boston Scientific Corporation]
VENOUS WALLSTENT Self-Expanding Stent2008-01-22
Boston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr. [Boston Scientific Corporation]
WALLSTENT RP Endoprosthesis Self-Expanding Stent2008-01-22
Boston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr. [Boston Scientific Corporation]
WALLSTENT Endoprosthesis Self-Expanding Stent2008-01-22
Boston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr. [Boston Scientific Corporation]
VENOUS WALLSTENT Self-Expanding Stent2008-01-22
Boston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr. [Boston Scientific Corporation]
WALLSTENT RP Endoprosthesis Self-Expanding Stent2008-01-22
Boston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr. [Boston Scientific Corporation]
WALLSTENT RP Endoprosthesis Self-Expanding Stent2008-01-22
Boston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr. [Boston Scientific Corporation]
WALLSTENT RP Endoprosthesis Self-Expanding Stent2008-01-22
Boston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr. [Boston Scientific Corporation]
WALLSTENT RP Endoprosthesis Self-Expanding Stent2008-01-22
Boston Scientific International BV, European Dist. Ctr. [Boston Scientific Corporation]
WALLSTENT Endoprosthesis Self-Expanding Stent2008-01-22

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