This page includes the latest FDA filings for Brad Bushman. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3010033602 |
FEI Number | 3010033602 |
Name | Brad Bushman |
Owner & Operator | STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC. |
Contact Address | ONE KNOLLCREST DR. -- Cincinnati OH 45237 US |
Official Correspondent |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | One Knollcrest Drive -- Cincinnati, OH 45237 US |
Establishment Type |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | Face Mask | 2020-04-14 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | STC ID Product Code AB1, AB2 | 2010-08-27 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | Non-Surgical Cover Gowns | 2010-08-27 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | Isolation Gowns | 2010-08-27 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | Gown StanGuard | 2010-08-27 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | Gown Impact | 2010-08-27 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | Gown Excel | 2010-08-27 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | Generic Barrier Precaution Gowns | 2010-08-27 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | ComPel Precaution Gowns | 2010-08-27 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | ComPel Isolation Gowns | 2010-08-27 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | STC ID Product Codes NE1, NE2, NE3, NE4, NE5, NE7, NF1 - | 2006-08-28 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | NF1 OR Towels Imp | 2006-08-28 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | NE7 Estar OR Towels | 2006-08-28 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | NE5 Perval OR Towels | 2006-08-28 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | NE4 Namewoven OR Towels | 2006-08-28 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | NE3 Absorbent OR Towels | 2006-08-28 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | NE2 Sofsorb OR Towels | 2006-08-28 |
Brad Bushman [STANDARD TEXTILE CO., INC.] | NE1 Toughweave OR Towels | 2006-08-28 |