Comefresh Electronic Industry Co L T D

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Comefresh Electronic Industry Co L T D. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3008547183
FEI Number3008547183
NameDavid Lennarz
Owner & OperatorComefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd
Contact AddressNo.35, Xiangyue Road Torch Hi-Tech Industrial Zone, Xiang An
Xiamen CN-35 Fujian 361101 CN
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address144 Research Drive
Hampton, VA 23666 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

FDA Filings

David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
Flyp Nebulizer2020-02-18
David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
Model CF-2900, CF-2870, CF-2970, CF-2971, CF-2530, CF-2626, CF-6600, CF-6500, CF-2500, CF-29662012-03-06
David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
Model CF-2800, CF-2768, CF-2910,2012-03-06
David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
Model CF-2760, CF-2860, CF-2960, CF-2610A, CF-2780, CF-2850, CF-2856, CF-2956, CF-2758, CF-2756, CF-2628, CF-8600, CF-8400, CF-8500, CF-2818, CF-2819,2012-03-06
David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
CF-8410 CF-8110 CF-8120 CF-8006 CF-2915 CF-2936 CF-2938 CF-29762012-03-06
David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
CF-8115, CF-8116, CF-8010, CF-8020, CF-8001, CF-8105, CF-8106, CF-8420, CF-8430, CF-8428, CF-29272012-03-06
David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
CF-8050, CF-8700, CF-8429, CF-8609S, CF-2545T, CF-6218, CF-6226, CF-8030, CF-8426, CF-8020, CF-82262012-03-06
David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
CF-8005, CF-8410, CF-8000, CF-5800, CF-5700,CF-3000, CF-2806, CF-8506, CF-8508, CF-8608, CF-2759, CF-70002012-03-06
David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
CF-6210, CF-6000, CF-6010, CF-P1000, CF-M3000, CF-5700, CF-5810, CF-58202012-03-06
David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
CF-2906, CF-2908, CF-2925, CF-2540T, CF-9000, CF-9010, CF-9220, CF-9230, CF-9250, CF-9260, CF-62202012-03-06
David Lennarz [Comefresh Electronic Industry Co., Ltd]
CF-2500A, CF-2502, CF-2507, CF-2550, CF-2920, CF-2540B, CF-2540A, CF-2976, CF-2926, CF-2530, CF-2530A, CF-2880, CF-28902012-03-06

Related Finance Registrations

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