Control 3 L L C

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Control 3 L L C. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3008246752
FEI Number3008246752
Owner & OperatorControl Company
Contact Address12554 Old Galveston Rd Suite B230
Webster TX 77598 US
Official Correspondent
  • Nicol Rodriguez
  • 1-281-4821714-x
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterY
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address12554 Old Galveston Rd Suite B230
Webster, TX 77598 US
Establishment TypeComplaint File Establishment per 21 CFR 820.198

FDA Filings

CONTROL 3, LLC [Control Company]
Cole Parmer2020-04-09
CONTROL 3, LLC [Control Company]
Cole Parmer2020-04-09
CONTROL 3, LLC [Control Company]
Cole Parmer2020-04-07
CONTROL 3, LLC [Control Company]
Cole Parmer2020-03-27
CONTROL 3, LLC [Control Company]
Hemotrac 10 Blood Indicator2016-02-11

Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2020092860963Genova,Italy -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyMACHINERY 5 PLT STC250 PKG
2020092669908Genova,Italy -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyMACHINERY 5 PLT STC250 PKG
202009189655Shilong,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, CaliforniaDIGITAL METERS 10CTNS HTS CODE 90303910 PKG
202009189659Shilong,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, CaliforniaTALLY COUNTER, KITCHEN TIMER 3CTNS HS CODE 9102993 PKG
2020091021433Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> Long Beach, CaliforniaDIGITAL TIMER DIGITAL THERMOMETER INV 510118048H.S.CODE 9106 1000, 9025 1900FCA HONG KONG PACK WITH 3A R03 CARBON ZINC BATTERY149 PKG
2020090810447Shilong,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, CaliforniaTALLY COUNTER, KITCHEN TIMER 3CTNS HS CODE 9102993 PKG
2020090810443Shilong,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, CaliforniaDIGITAL METERS 10CTNS HTS CODE 90303910 PKG
2020090529064Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> Long Beach, CaliforniaDIGITAL TIMER DIGITAL THERMOMETER INV 510118048H.S.CODE 9106 1000, 9025 1900FCA HONG KONG PACK WITH 3A R03 CARBON ZINC BATTERY149 PKG

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FDA.