This page includes the latest FDA filings for Copan Industries Inc. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3015441043 |
FEI Number | 3015441043 |
Name | Copan Industries, Inc. |
Owner & Operator | COPAN ITALIA |
Contact Address | VIA F. PEROTTI, 10 -- BRESCIA IT-NOTA 25125 IT |
Official Correspondent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | Carr. 110 KM. 28.6 Aguadilla, PR 00603 US |
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device for Another Party (Contract Manufacturer) |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | Rayon Fiber Swab, Sterile | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | Polyester Fiber Swab, Sterile | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | Nylon Fiber Swab, Sterile | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | NuFoam Swab | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | Foam Swab, Sterile | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | FLOQSwab | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | FLOQBrush | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | Cotton Fiber Swab, Sterile | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | CLASSIQSwab | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | Buccal Swab | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | Rayon Fiber Swab, Non-Sterile | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | Polyester Fiber Swab, Non-Sterile | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | Nylon Fiber Swab, Non-Sterile | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | NuFoam Swab | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | Foam Swab, Non-Sterile | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | FLOQSwab | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | Cotton Fiber Swab, Non-Sterile | 2005-11-23 |
Copan Industries, Inc. [COPAN ITALIA] | CLASSIQSwab | 2005-11-23 |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020092925661 | Cartagena ,Colombia -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | PACKAGING MACHINE | 5 PCS |
2020092925661 | Cartagena ,Colombia -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | PACKAGING MACHINE | 5 PCS |
2020092257570 | Cartagena ,Colombia -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | PACKAGING MACHINE INV 20-VN003234 HBL 7355951P6461 | 5 PCS |
2020092257570 | Cartagena ,Colombia -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | PACKAGING MACHINE INV 20-VN003234 HBL 7355951P6461 | 5 PCS |
2020092235178 | Cartagena ,Colombia -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | PACKAGING MACHINE | 5 PCS |
2020092235178 | Cartagena ,Colombia -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | PACKAGING MACHINE | 5 PCS |
202009083840 | Rio Jaina,Dominican Republic -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | PLASTIC GOODS FOR LABORATORY | 154 PCS |
202009083951 | Caucedo,Dominican Republic -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | DISHWASHING MACHINES; MACHINERY FOR CLEANING OR DR - (6 PLTS) PLASTIC GOODS FOR LABORATORY HTS 392690 HTS 842240 INV 20-VN002826 HBL 73 53576P9639 | 154 CTN |
2020083123732 | South Riding Point,Bahamas -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | PLASTIC GOODS FOR LABORATORY | 154 PCS |
2020082422912 | Caucedo,Dominican Republic -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | CARTONS, BOXES, CASES, BAGS AND OTHER PACKING CONT - CARTONS HTS 481920 INV 593 HBL 735293 5P8155 | 122 PKG |
2020082422912 | Caucedo,Dominican Republic -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | CARTONS, BOXES, CASES, BAGS AND OTHER PACKING CONT - CARTONS HTS 481920 INV 591 HBL 735293 5P8155 | 122 PKG |
2020082422912 | Caucedo,Dominican Republic -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | CARTONS, BOXES, CASES, BAGS AND OTHER PACKING CONT - CARTONS HTS 481920 INV 592 HBL 735293 5P8155 | 122 PKG |
2020082422880 | Rio Jaina,Dominican Republic -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | CARTONS | 122 PCS |
2020082422880 | Rio Jaina,Dominican Republic -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | CARTONS | 122 PCS |
2020082422880 | Rio Jaina,Dominican Republic -> San Juan, Puerto Rico | CARTONS | 122 PCS |