Corden Pharma Latina S P A

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Corden Pharma Latina S P A. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)

FDA Filings

HRA Pharma Rare Diseases, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A., ISP Chemicals LLC
Prescription Medication2024-12-04
Slayback Pharma LLC, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Prescription Medication2024-09-25
HRA Pharma Rare Diseases, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A., ISP Chemicals LLC
Prescription Medication2024-04-20
HRA Pharma Rare Diseases, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A., ISP Chemicals LLC
Prescription Medication2024-01-23
HRA Pharma Rare Diseases, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A., ISP Chemicals LLC
Prescription Medication2023-01-22
Slayback Pharma LLC, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Prescription Medication2022-12-08
WG Critical Care, LLC, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Prescription Medication2021-10-02
HRA Pharma Rare Diseases, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A., ISP Chemicals LLC
Prescription Medication2021-08-04
Hospira, Inc, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A., Sandoz GmbH
Prescription Medication2020-12-15
HRA Pharma Rare Diseases, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A., ISP Chemicals LLC
Prescription Medication2020-01-07
WG Critical Care, LLC, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Prescription Medication2020-01-03
WG Critical Care, LLC, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Prescription Medication2019-04-06
HRA Pharma Rare Diseases, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A., ISP Chemicals LLC
Prescription Medication2019-02-15
Hospira, Inc, Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A., Sandoz GmbH
Prescription Medication2017-09-30
Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Prescription Medication2012-01-23
Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Prescription Medication2012-01-20
Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.
Corden Pharma Latina S.p.A.

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Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2020080424042Napoli,Italy -> Miami, FloridaPHARMACEUTICAL HS 300490 GLEOSTINE CAP 10MG 1BTLX5 GLEOSTINE CAP 100MG 1BTLX5 USA TEMP.SET TO +20C3 PKG
2020080145527Napoli,Italy -> Miami, FloridaPHARMACEUTICAL HS 300490 GLEOSTINE CAP 10MG 1BTLX5 GLEOSTINE CAP 100MG 1BTLX5 USA TEMP.SET TO +20C3 PKG
2020070424075Napoli,Italy -> Miami, FloridaPHARMACEUTICAL HS 300490 GLEOSTINE CAP 40MG 1BTLX5 USA TEMP.SET TO +20C2 PKG
2019111445631Livorno,Italy -> Savannah, GeorgiaPHARMACEUTICALS7 CTN
2019072534330Livorno,Italy -> Savannah, GeorgiaPHARMACEUTICALS5 CTN
2019071145703Livorno,Italy -> Savannah, GeorgiaPHARMACEUTICALS11 CTN
201809089664Livorno,Italy -> Savannah, GeorgiaPHARMACEUTICALS12 CTN
2018090871524Livorno,Italy -> Savannah, GeorgiaPHARMACEUTICALS4 CTN

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