Dasol I N T L T D

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Dasol I N T L T D. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3007050292
FEI Number3007050292
NameJohn H Choi
Owner & OperatorDasol International Ltd.
Contact Address#615 KoFoMo TechnoCenter 341 Gongdan 1-daero (Jeongwang-dong)
Siheung-Si KR-41 Gyeonggido 429-450 KR
US Agent
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterJohn Choi
Address#1, 800 Trenton Rd
Langhorne, PA 19047 UNITED STATES
Importing Logistics Registration
ImporterSalvin Dental Specialties, Inc.
Address3450 Latrobe Drive
Charlotte, NC 28211 UNITED STATES
Importer TypeRetailer
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address800 Trenton Rd., Unit 1
Langhorne, PA 19047 US
Establishment Type
  • Manufacture Medical Device
  • Sterilize Medical Device for Another Party (Contract Sterilizer)

FDA Filings

John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Universal Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Thyroid Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
TUR Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Shoulder Arthroscopy Pack I, BC Shoulder Arthroscopy Pack I2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Rectal & Colon Pack I2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Pediatric Laparotomy Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Laparotomy Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Laparoccopy Pack II, Laparoccopy Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
LAVH Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Knee Pack VII2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Knee Arthroscopy Pack I2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Hip Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Hand Pack I2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
General Spine Pack, PELD Spine Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Femoral Angiography Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Craniotomy Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
C-Section Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Breast Pack I, Breast Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Bilateral Limb Pack2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Head Cover: DSH100, DSH100A2017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
C-Arm Drape: DSC2002017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
PE Gown: RA30312017-09-27
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Povidone-Iodine Swabsticks2008-11-04
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Alcohol Swabsticks2008-11-04
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
Alcohol Prep Pads2008-11-04
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]
John H Choi [Dasol International Ltd.]

Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2018052423145Pusan,South Korea -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyDISPOSABLE EQUIPMENT DRAPE5 PKG

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