Dennis Salzmann

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Dennis Salzmann. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number9614546
FEI Number3004651700
NameDennis Salzmann
Owner & OperatorJohnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.
Contact Address1700 E St Andrew Place
Santa Ana CA 92705 US
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address1700 E Saint Andrew Place
Santa Ana, CA 92705 US
Establishment Type
  • Complaint File Establishment per 21 CFR 820.198
  • Manufacture Medical Device

Registration Number3004178847
FEI Number3004178847
NameDennis Salzmann
Owner & OperatorJohnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.
Contact Address1700 E St Andrew Place
Santa Ana CA 92705 US
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address1700 E Saint Andrew Place
Santa Ana, CA 92705 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

Registration Number3004750704
FEI Number3004750704
NameDennis Salzmann
Owner & OperatorJohnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.
Contact Address1700 E St Andrew Place
Santa Ana CA 92705 US
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address1700 E Saint Andrew Place
Santa Ana, CA 92705 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

FDA Filings

Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
PMMA HSM2017-01-18
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Consept 12017-01-18
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
PMMA NON HSM2017-01-18
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Accessories, soft lens products2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Accessories, soft lens products2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Case, Contact Lens2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Accessories, soft lens products2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Products, contact lens care, rigid gas permeable2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Accessories, soft lens products2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Products, contact lens care, rigid gas permeable2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Accessories, soft lens products2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Products, contact lens care, rigid gas permeable2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Accessories, soft lens products2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Products, contact lens care, rigid gas permeable2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Accessories, soft lens products2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Case, Contact Lens2016-12-22
Dennis Salzmann [Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.]
Accessories, soft lens products2016-12-22

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