This page includes the latest FDA filings for Dosisoft. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3009302839 | ||||||
FEI Number | 3009302839 | ||||||
Name | DOSISOFT | ||||||
Owner & Operator | DOSISOFT | ||||||
Contact Address | 45/47 Avenue Carnot Cachan FR-J Ile-de-France 94230 FR | ||||||
Official Correspondent |
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US Agent |
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Importing Logistics Registration |
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Registration Status | 1 | ||||||
Initial Importer | N | ||||||
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 | ||||||
Registration Address | 45/47 Avenue Carnot Cachan Ile-de-France, 94230 FR | ||||||
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Device Company | Device | Date |
DOSISOFT | ThinkQA Edition 2 | 2024-08-30 |
DOSISOFT | ThinkQA Edition 2 TK2010, TK2020 | 2024-08-22 |
DOSISOFT | ThinkQA Edition 2 TK2010, TK2020 | 2024-08-22 |
DOSISOFT | ThinkQA, EPIbeam EP1011 | 2023-07-10 |
DOSISOFT | EPIgray EP1001 | 2023-07-10 |
DOSISOFT | PLANET, PLANET Onco, PLANET Dose, PLANET Onco Dose 3.1.1 | 2020-02-07 |
DOSISOFT | MU2net 2.1.1 | 2019-11-27 |
DOSISOFT | MU2net | 2019-11-18 |
DOSIsoft | MU2net | 2019-10-24 |
DOSISOFT | PLANET | 2019-03-11 |
DOSISOFT | PLANET Onco | 2019-03-11 |
DOSISOFT | PLANET Onco Dose | 2019-03-11 |
DOSISOFT | PLANET Dose | 2019-03-11 |
DOSIsoft | PLANET Onco Dose | 2019-03-06 |
DOSISOFT | ThinkQA, EPIbeam 1.0.2 | 2018-07-06 |
DOSISOFT | EPIgray 2.0.6 | 2018-07-06 |
DOSISOFT | ThinkQA | 2018-04-17 |
DOSISOFT | EPIbeam | 2018-04-17 |
DOSIsoft | ThinkQA | 2018-03-13 |
DOSISOFT | Epigray | 2012-03-23 |
DOSISOFT | Simago | 2011-03-28 |
DOSISOFT | Isogray | 2011-03-28 |
DOSISOFT | Imago | 2011-03-28 |