This page includes the latest FDA filings for Dream Air. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3007479155 | ||||||
FEI Number | 3007479155 | ||||||
Name | Grace KIm | ||||||
Owner & Operator | DREAM AIR | ||||||
Contact Address | Suite 713, Hyundai I-Valley 223-12, Sangdaewon 1 dong, Jungwon-gu Seongnam-si KR-41 Gyeonggido 462-714 KR | ||||||
US Agent |
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Importing Logistics Registration |
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Registration Status | 1 | ||||||
Initial Importer | N | ||||||
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 | ||||||
Registration Address | 3530 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1210 Los Angeles, CA 90010 US | ||||||
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | Nosk calm breath CB-2(F) | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | Nosk calm breath CB-1(M) | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | NOSK | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | NOSK Snoring | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | NOSK Nasal Filter | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | Kogoli Ttuk | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | KOANE Snoring Stop CB-2 | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | KOANE Snoring Stop CB-1 | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | KOANE PeaceKO CB1(Small size) | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | KOANE PeaceKO CB1(Big size) | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | KOANE Nasal Filter | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | KOANE Mask | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | KOANE Kogol Stop II | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | KOANE Kogol Stop CB-2 | 2009-02-23 |
Grace KIm [DREAM AIR] | KOANE Kogol Stop CB-1 | 2009-02-23 |