This page includes the latest FDA filings for H H Medical Corp. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 1126195 |
FEI Number | 3003339833 |
Name | H & H Medical Corporation |
Owner & Operator | H & H Medical Corporation |
Contact Address | 328 McLaws Circle Williamsburg VA 23185 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 328 McLaws Circle Williamsburg, VA 23185 US |
Establishment Type |
Device Company | Device | Date |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H Mini 2X Bandage/Gauze Combo Pack HHM2X | 2021-03-25 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H 30fr Nasopharyngeal Airway, Each HHNPA-EA | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H Flat Compressed Gauze HHPF | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H Compressed Gauze HHPG | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H MiniTAC Wound Wrapping Gauze HHMTG01 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H TACgauze Wound Wrapping Gauze TACG02 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H Combat Medic Tape CMRT01 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H*VENT Vented Chest Seal Two-Pack HVS02 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | SWAT-T Elastic Tourniquet, Black SWAT-T-BLK-EA | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | SWAT-T Elastic Tourniquet, Orange SWAT-T-BLK-EA | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H*VENT Penetrating Injury Kit HVPIK | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H*VENT Vented Chest Seal HVS01 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | DualSeal Chest Seals HHDSK01 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | TK-4L Elastic Tourniquet TK-4L | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | TK-4 Elastic Tourniquet TK-4 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | Bolin Chest Seal BCS01 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | Wound Seal Kit HHWSK02 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H Combat Eye Sheild HHCES01 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | Sterile Burn Blanket HHSBB01 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | Penetrating Chest Injury Kit HHPCIK01 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | Wound Seal Duo HHWSD01 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | Compact Wound Seal HHCWS01 | 2021-01-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H Simplified Cric Kit HHSCK01 | 2020-09-14 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | Mini Compression Bandage HHMCB01 | 2020-07-20 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | Thin H Compression Dressing, Flat Fold HBTF | 2020-07-20 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | Thin H Compression Bandage, Standard Fold HBT01 | 2020-07-20 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H-Bandage Compression Dressing, Flat Fols HBFF01 | 2020-07-20 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H-Bandage Compression Dressing - Rolled HB01 | 2020-07-20 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H Big Cinch Abdominal Bandage BC01 | 2020-07-20 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H Situation Instrument Tray Kit HHSIT01 | 2020-07-14 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H Chest Tube Insertion Kit HHCTUINK | 2020-07-08 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | ReadyCric Kit HHRCK01 | 2019-04-04 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | Tactical Cric Kit HHTCK01 | 2019-04-01 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H Civilian Cric Pack HHCCP01 | 2019-04-01 |
H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION | H&H Emergency Cricothyrotomy Kit HHECT01 | 2019-04-01 |
H & H Medical Corporation | H&H Nasopharyngeal Airway | 2018-01-23 |
H & H Medical Corporation | TAC gauze | 2016-06-27 |
H & H Medical Corporation | H & H Compressed Gauze | 2016-06-27 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Enhanced Bandage Pack | 2016-01-21 |
H & H Medical Corporation | H&H Enhanced Pneumothorax Needle | 2014-05-29 |
H & H Medical Corporation | H&H Cric Bougie | 2013-12-09 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Tuxedo Trauma Kit | 2012-01-19 |
H & H Medical Corporation | The BRICK | 2012-01-19 |
H & H Medical Corporation | TECC Kit | 2012-01-19 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Pocket Kit | 2012-01-19 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Penetrating Chest Kit | 2012-01-19 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Operator's Medical Kit | 2012-01-19 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Adult Trauma Response Pack | 2012-01-19 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Combat Medic Tape | 2012-01-19 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Surgical Instrument Trak (SIT) Kit | 2012-01-19 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Chest Tube Insertion Kit | 2012-01-19 |
H & H Medical Corporation | ReadyCric Kit | 2011-12-02 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Emergency Cricothyrotomy Kit | 2011-12-02 |
H & H Medical Corporation | H&H Wound Seal | 2010-07-01 |
H & H Medical Corporation | DualSeal | 2010-07-01 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Curaplex TOCS | 2010-07-01 |
H & H Medical Corporation | ClearCool | 2010-07-01 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Polycarbonate Eye Shield | 2010-07-01 |
H & H Medical Corporation | H&H Combat EyeShield | 2010-07-01 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Aluminum Eye Shield | 2010-07-01 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Sterile Burn Blanket | 2010-07-01 |
H & H Medical Corporation | H&H Dry Sterile Burn Dressing | 2010-07-01 |
H & H Medical Corporation | H-Vent | 2008-12-03 |
H & H Medical Corporation | H-Vent Penetrating Injury Kit | 2008-12-03 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Curaplex TOCS ? Vented | 2008-12-03 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Bolin Chest Seal | 2008-12-03 |
H & H Medical Corporation | TOURNI-KWIK | 2001-05-22 |
H & H Medical Corporation | TOURNI-KWIK 4L | 2001-05-22 |
H & H Medical Corporation | SWAT-T Tourniquet | 2001-05-22 |
H & H Medical Corporation | H&H Response Tourniquet | 2001-05-22 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Thin H Compression Bandage | 2001-01-03 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Mini Compression Bandage | 2001-01-03 |
H & H Medical Corporation | H-Bandage Hemostat Dressing | 2001-01-03 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Emergency Compression Dressing | 2001-01-03 |
H & H Medical Corporation | CINCH-TIGHT | 2001-01-03 |
H & H Medical Corporation | Big Cinch Bandage | 2001-01-03 |
S.A.M. Registration | 1NNH6 [72656713] | H&H MEDICAL CORPORATION H&H ASSOCIATES |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020092857780 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | BANDAGE, H - BANDAGE | 48 CTN |
2020091861135 | Liverpool,United Kingdom -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | CHESTSEAL PAD | 4 PKG |
2020082548488 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> Norfolk, Virginia | 207 CARTONS LOADED ON 10 PALLETS BANDAGE, ECD BANGADE, MINI BANDAGE | 207 CTN |
2020070924749 | Stadersand,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | ON 2 PALLETS PAX MATERIALS, HARMLESS HS CODE 420292, 630790 SCAC SSLL AMS REF. NYC261934 | 2 PKG |
2018062261895 | Liverpool,United Kingdom -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | MEDICAL SUPPLIES - NON HAZARDOUS | 1 PKG |